What 8d nls health analyzer price?

What 8d nls health analyzer price?
We are the 8d nls,8d lris,8d nls health analyzer,9d nls supplier,if you need the price or info,please contact us.
What 8d nls health analyzer?
In the body, metabolism, organ functional processes are controlled by bio-electromagnetic signals, bio-electromagnetic resonances and so-called biofoton.
The total number of these signals is one thousand billion every second, which provides uninterrupted transmission of information during healthy transmission.
However, in the event of disruption, an even flow of information is disturbed, causing a change in our biological function, and this perceived change is perceived as a symptom of the disease.
Each cell of our body is a small electromagnetic unit. Our vegetative life support system, like a software, runs a program to maintain the homeostasis of our being.
The subconscious program, using our brain, generates bio-electric impulses, which are bio-electrical impulses, biofoton, containing information to control the functioning of the hormone system and the organs.
So our organization is controlled by bio-electric impulses and bio-phonics.
The control of the hormone as a biochemical control is carried out with this bio-electromagnetic bio-photon communication, which is responsible for coordinating cell biochemical processes. These bio-electromagnetic resonances are measurable with the device.
The special signal processing program draws signals to the specific sectional area based on the measurement data. From this it can be inferred that the processes in the body are present.
The 8d nls health analyzer instrument compares the QED (8d nls health analyzer) data in the patient’s body surface with the 5718 spectral data of the computer database, where there are any defects or changes in the patient’s biological force.
It should be noted that during the measurement, the sphinx is diagnosed with the surrounding information field, it does not provide a detailed medical diagnosis.
What 8d nls health analyzer Range?
can be used by anyone who is interested in quickly and effectively examining the health of their patients, clients, friends, family or employees. Accurate analysis is the driving factor of our company and no matter whom you are or what you do, you will be well informed with the information you will gather from the 8d nls health analyzer device, and so will everyone you work with.
Remember that the information is being gathered on a cellular level, and the beauty of this method of diagnosis is that before anything is manifested, it is found.
People who fall under any of the following categories are welcome, advised and will find benefit in using and having a 8d nls health analyzer bio feed back device.
Where use 8d nls health analyzer ?
(1) Family Doctors:
The device allows detecting and monitoring the expression of genetically caused diseases among all family members
(2) Clinics and Medical Units
Greatly increases the efficiency of clinical examination and the initial reception. Significantly lower costs of finance and time. Physicians are exempt from routine and often formal work. No need to send your clients to other specialists, you can assist them by examining all the concerns they have and providing treatment, and healing methods.
(3) Education Facilities and Schools
Becomes a real continuous monitoring of the health of all children and staff at intervals of not less than once a month, the ability to assess the adequacy of student’s health.
(4) Sports,Recreation Centers and Fitness Facilities
Objective medical monitoring is required whenever there is a serious exercise. This equipment allows us to create an individual program, taking into account features of the organism.
(5) Family and Friends
8d nls health analyzer is a great tool to monitor the health of your family and friends. Provides means of checkup, treatment and healing without having to spend large amounts of finances on health care services.
(6) Cosmetic and Spa Salons
Concern about the health of its customers – a very strong competitive trump card. Objective assessment of the client can choose individual cosmetic program and achieve impressive results.
Business Organizations
supermarket, large-scale shopping malls, exclusive agency, chain shops, large-scale sales, star-rated hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, pharmacy.
Financial Organizations
Banks, negotiable securities, funds, insurance companies, pawnshops;
Non-profit Organizations: Telecommunications, post offices, hospital, schools;
Public Places
subway, airports, stations, gas stations, toll stations, bookstores, parks, exhibition halls, stadiums, museums, convention centers, ticket agencies, HR market, lottery centers; Real Estate Property: Apartments, villas, offices, commercial buildings, model rooms, property brokers;
Movie theaters, fitness halls, country clubs, clubs, massage rooms, bars, cafes, Internet bars, beauty shops, golf course
What Functions the 8d nls health analyzer softare ?
1.The standards groups setting.
2. Fixing the three selected research schemes.
3. Automatic determination of the entropy index.
4. Auto META-Therapy
5.Can choose scanning speed
6.More convenient customer management .
7.More flexible Diagnostic report editing .
8.More intuitive diagnostic report .
9.More research scheme.
10.More Comparison of the database.
11.Faster scanning speed .
12.Accurate anatomic structures.
13.User friendly.
8d nls health analyzer and have a few question
We own the right to Vector NLS Biofeedback and have a trademark for this name, while we are working to address this theft please we aware and feel free to ask us any questions.
Please see below emails from people who were under the impression that they purchased our Vector system and needed our support. We were not able to extend support until they purchased our original device. The information in bold at the end are our responses to these email situations.
Email #1
Hello, I have the 8d nls health analyzer and have a few questions:
1. I can install the vector software but I do not have the TFORMMENU.victor.jpg file. Can you please email the file, or is there a link to download the program?
2. What is the main difference between the Vector03 program and the VectorExpert? Is it ok to use both?
3. In the administrator section you can change the speed from Very Fast, Fast, Medium etc. Is it ok to use the very fast speed?
4. Is there a manual that explains how to use the Vector03 program?
5. What is the cost to order an additional headset?
6. What is the cost of ordering additional headset ear protectors?
7. Is there a website the host additional training videos?

Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |