The 10 Way to Fail at 8d nls manual

What can 8d nls manual device testing?
What can 8d nls manual device testing?
Complex Analysis of all organs and systems of the human body
The cardiovascular system
Gastro-intestinal tract
Genital-urinary system
Musculoskeletal system
Bronchi-pulmonary system
The endocrine system
Visual and hearing aids/organs
The nervous system
Biochemical analysis of blood without interference
Infection in the organs and systems – viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths infection, etc. (staphylococci and streptococci, giardiasis, trichomonas, chlamydia, urea plasma, and so on)
Qualitative assessment of hormone levels, adrenal, pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, gonads
Level of immunity
Allergy diagnosis (complex tests up to 500 allergens)
Medical testing (individual selection of drugs)
Chromosomal diagnosis
Laboratory Analysis (blood counts, biochemical parameters, hormones, trace elements)
Treatment of pathological processes identified by the bio resonance therapy (meta-therapy).
The treatment method litho-therapy (spectral frequencies individually selected minerals)
Fear, Emotional Matrix, relationship Matrix
HOW 8d nls manual WORKS
HOW 8d nls manual WORKS
The principles of Quantum Entropy Logic-NLS developed by modern day Russian scientists reveal that biological structures have a bioenergy field that includes magnetic vortex oscillations recorded on a matrix. Pathological biological processes have associated unstable magnetic vortex states (meta states). These same Russian scientists developed the technology to isolate and record the unstable magnetic vortex states associated with the corresponding biological processes. Vector-NLS is the most advanced Quantum Bioresonance Analysis and Therapy technology available today.
Assessment of the body is due to resonant amplification of the magnetic vortex states. Each organ has a specific, frequency range of magnetic vortex states, which are displayed in chart form. Any biological process, whether healthy or pathological has very specific magnetic vortex oscillations. These are stored in the computer memory and take into account the severity, age, gender and other characteristics of the subjects.
The Vector NLS technology is classified as biofeedback technology. Data is collected by resonance amplification of the magnetic vortex states of the entire biofield matrix by using trigger sensors. By using a computer driven instrument in a safe, noninvasive, painless and effective way, information about the entire biofield matrix is displayed down to the level of the chromosome biofield.
The patient sits in front of the computer monitor and wears headphones for 15-30 minutes. During this time there is a collection of information about the state of his/her biofield. After this, various analyses are performed and summaries are displayed reflecting the energetic health of the patient. Color icons show various degrees of unstable magnetic vortex states displayed on the computer screens virtual model.
The holistic professional compares the computer displays to the similarity of the reference biofield processes (healthy biofield, altered tissue biofield, infectious agent’s biofield) and identifies the closest emerging biofield process or tendency.
At Energy Healing Arts we are dedicated to helping people restore their health, and prevent unnecessary degeneration, through the most advanced technology today. With a list of over 1000 biofield anatomy parts, detailed descriptions of every pathological biofield process, virus and bacteria biofields, suggested herb biofields, remedy preparation tool, Meta-therapy, and many other parts, the Vector NLS is simply amazing in its accuracy and detail.
The ultimate goal will be to help you increase relaxation, relieve pain, increase cellular health and develop healthier, more comfortable life patterns while enhancing your biofield matrix. The changes and possibilities will be up to you and your practitioner.
What is Oberon NLS Range?
What is Oberon NLS Range?
8d nls manual can be used by anyone who is interested in quickly and effectively examining the health of their patients, clients, friends, family or employees. Accurate analysis is the driving factor of our company and no matter whom you are or what you do, you will be well informed with the information you will gather from the 8d nls manual device, and so will everyone you work with.
Remember that the information is being gathered on a cellular level, and the beauty of this method of diagnosis is that before anything is manifested, it is found.
People who fall under any of the following categories are welcome, advised and will find benefit in using and having a 8d nls manual biofeedback device.
What’s 8d nls manual-NLS Device? Simply saying, it’s a 3D, advanced Non-Invasive Diagnostic Device for physical examination & analysis system, using the light wave resonance to detect the functional status of the Human body or to trace the gradually formed abnormal conditions in the tissue, cell or entire organ. The accuracy of the device reaches up to 90%. Depending on the individual’s health condition, the device automatically scans the health condition of the body within 10 minutes up to 30 minutes. The health status result is provided as a reference for the clinician to quickly gather the individual’s health condition.
What Oberon NLS are the applications?
It can be applied for preventive medicine in any clinical fields. Widely used in Clinical Practice, Alternative Medicines and Healthcare Industry in Europe. Especially, in the areas like GI, CV and spine degeneration.
ü Support doctor’s decision in the first line clinical diagnosis
ü Specific features such as Microbiology and Neurology Diagnosis
ü Emergency Medicine Practice
ü A diagnosis/follow-up system in health risk management
ü Preventive medicine
ü Effective assay for pharmaceutical R & D centers
ü Suggestion for dietary supplements promotion
ü Scientific research facilities in organic foods industries
ü Health promotion in various healthcare industries such as sub-health, anti-aging, alternative medicines
ü Scientific Research: Microbiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Pharmacology, Organopreparation, Nutraceuticals
ü Academic research and demonstration especially in the Natural Medicine area
ü Spa, Medical Spa, Beauty Parlor, Wellness centers
What can 8d nls manual device testing?
What can 8d nls manual device testing?
Complex Analysis of all organs and systems of the human body;
The cardiovascular system;
Gastro-intestinal tract;
Genital-urinary system;
Musculoskeletal system;
Bronchi-pulmonary system;
The endocrine system;
Visual and hearing aids/organs;
The nervous system;
Biochemical analysis of blood without interference;
Infection in the organs and systems – viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths infection, etc. (staphylococci and streptococci, giardiasis, trichomonas, chlamydia, urea plasma, and so on).Qualitative assessment of hormone levels, adrenal, pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, gonads
Level of immunity
Allergy diagnosis (complex tests up to 500 allergens)
Medical testing (individual selection of drugs)
Chromosomal diagnosis
Laboratory Analysis (blood counts, biochemical parameters, hormones, trace elements)
Treatment of pathological processes identified by the bio resonance therapy (meta-therapy).
The treatment method litho-therapy (spectral frequencies individually selected minerals)
Fear, Emotional Matrix, relationship Matrix

Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |