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Fake Bio resonance Devices

Fake Bio resonance Devices


7D These devices should be treated as nothing more than entertainment devices since they are unreliable, have no safety records, have no medical certification, no scientific clinical studies, are inaccurate, and are very misleading. They are in no way associated with 8d nls pdf, and should not be understood to even somewhat provide a diagnosis. They are in no way performing the same or similar actions to a 8d nls pdf device. They should in no way be seen as a ‘cheap’ version / copy of 8d nls pdf, or a ‘cheap’ verifiable working bio-resonance device of any sort.

It must be noted in the strongest of terms that these devices can be extremely harmful to the clients using them given that the unregulated frequencies can cause serious long term harm to human tissues, especially if used frequently.

7112vvK2tXLOther points to note is that these devices often randomly suggests a diagnosis autonomously, and many of these devices do not even emit any frequencies at all. There are also devices that make sounds like in a video game, and have flashing lights to give the user the sense that the device is actually performing a certain action. Some devices contain software which is similar in appearance to 8d nls pdf, but this does not mean, as the sellers of such devices would have the client believe, that it is just ‘their version of the same technology’.

The only way to ascertain that a device is truly performing the tasks that it claims to do, is to verify that the device is indeed certified by a reputable medical authority, and has recent safety records.

These fake devices are sold with standard audio headphones, fooling the customer to believe that sound waves are conducting the analysis. Authentic 8d nls pdf GR units use specially made Magnetic Inductors to analyse the patient which have nothing to do with an audible sound. They are placed over the patient’s temples, and not over their ears.

Hunter In addition to these ‘Fake’ devices, there are misleading businesses purporting to represent the Institute of Practical Psychophysics. Some have altered images displayed on their websites, and have tried to suggest that they have presented medical studies with the Institute of Practical Psychophysics at medical conferences.

Only the Institute of Practical Psychophysics Europe located in Prague, and NLS Australasia represent the Institute of Practical Psychophysics. No other company or business under any other name worldwide has this status. No company has ever presented any certified medical studies at a medical conference with the Institute of Practical Psychophysics. All authorised distributors can be found listed at the bottom of the home page of the IPP website. All claims made on any other website, or from any other business other than those listed, cannot be substantiated to be truthful or accurate in anyway. If in any doubt, please contact the IPP in Moscow, Europe, or NLS Australasia.

To benefit potential buyers and their potential clients, a list of common known fake, falsified, and or modified bio-resonance devices that are misrepresentations of the original authentic 8d nls pdf Medical Diagnostic device can be found in the table below including the list of distributors of such devices.


7DThese devices should be treated as nothing more than entertainment devices since they are unreliable, have no safety records, have no medical certification, no scientific clinical studies, are inaccurate, and are very misleading. They are in no way associated with 8d nls pdf, and should not be understood to even somewhat provide a diagnosis. They are in no way performing the same or similar actions to a 8d nls pdf device. They should in no way be seen as a ‘cheap’ version / copy of 8d nls pdf, or a ‘cheap’ verifiable working bio-resonance device of any sort.

It must be noted in the strongest of terms that these devices can be extremely harmful to the clients using them given that the unregulated frequencies can cause serious long term harm to human tissues, especially if used frequently.

7112vvK2tXLOther points to note is that these devices often randomly suggests a diagnosis autonomously, and many of these devices do not even emit any frequencies at all. There are also devices that make sounds like in a video game, and have flashing lights to give the user the sense that the device is actually performing a certain action. Some devices contain software which is similar in appearance to 8d nls pdf, but this does not mean, as the sellers of such devices would have the client believe, that it is just ‘their version of the same technology’.

The only way to ascertain that a device is truly performing the tasks that it claims to do, is to verify that the device is indeed certified by a reputable medical authority, and has recent safety records.

These fake devices are sold with standard audio headphones, fooling the customer to believe that sound waves are conducting the analysis. Authentic 8d nls pdf GR units use specially made Magnetic Inductors to analyse the patient which have nothing to do with an audible sound. They are placed over the patient’s temples, and not over their ears.

Hunter2In addition to these ‘Fake’ devices, there are misleading businesses purporting to represent the Institute of Practical Psychophysics. Some have altered images displayed on their websites, and have tried to suggest that they have presented medical studies with the Institute of Practical Psychophysics at medical conferences.

Only the Institute of Practical Psychophysics Europe located in Prague, and NLS Australasia represent the Institute of Practical Psychophysics. No other company or business under any other name worldwide has this status. No company has ever presented any certified medical studies at a medical conference with the Institute of Practical Psychophysics. All authorised distributors can be found listed at the bottom of the home page of the IPP website. All claims made on any other website, or from any other business other than those listed, cannot be substantiated to be truthful or accurate in anyway. If in any doubt, please contact the IPP in Moscow, Europe, or NLS Australasia.

To benefit potential buyers and their potential clients, a list of common known fake, falsified, and or modified bio-resonance devices that are misrepresentations of the original authentic 8d nls pdf Medical Diagnostic device can be found in the table below including the list of distributors of such devices.

8d nls pdf

What Difference Between 3D NLS And 8d nls pdf?

What Difference Between 3D NLS And 8d nls pdf?

New Addition: pathological, allergen analysis, microbes and parasites, biochemical dynamic level, Homeopathy, most suitable and not suitable for food, flower essences Pakistani song, unbalanced organ analysis, gemstone energy, herbs, etc. more than 10 sample data library. Auto body repair function, can also choose to do the partial repair, three times faster than 3D nls, repair effect significantly, very suitable for general repair.

• Software of 3D NLS is the basic version, it is old version. software with LRIS-NLS are the latest version which developed by vector NLS, and version number is VECTOR 03.
• It will take more than 2 hours for 3D NLS to do a whole body testing, and it takes about 10 minutes for the 8D LRIS-NLS to do a express testing of our body.
• 3D NLS check 256 organs, and LRIS-NLS check more than 1000 organ and tissues.
•8D LRIS-NLS can be used Insulin, serotonin, lactate dehydrogenase, cholesterol,3D nls cannot do that.
• 8D LRIS-NLS can be used to check Mammary organs and tissue cells, 3DNLS only do a basic check
•8D LRIS-NLS Analyzing trace elements of body’s cells, check cell’s trace elements state, In order to do a better understanding of elements balance, replenish the missing trace elements; Can scan the deepest psychological state, in order to do a better relationship analyzing between mental states and diseases of your body.
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, German, Czech , Polish, Romanian, Russian, Bulgarian, Japanese, Portuguese, Malay, Greek,Turkish, Hungarian, Chinese

In addition,The Vector system can scan the deepest psychological state, in order to do a better comparrison indication between mental states and diseases of your body.

It has beeen used to check :
and it has AURA function which can show our weakness energy of our organ,
the most important thing is it can be used to check the bacteria, pathological, allergen analysis, microbes and parasites,
biochemical dynamic level,
Most suitable and not suitable for foods,
Flower essences ,
Unbalanced organ analysis,
Gemstone energy ,
Herbs, etc.
Sample data library. So it can test the food allergy and suggest indications of the effect of the nutritional products.

8d nls pdf

How 8d nls pdf work?

How 8d nls pdf work?

8d nls pdf

This device scans each organ or tissue on a cellular level. It compares the measurements to a database of thousands of referenced conditions and their diagnosis. OBERON uses a special emitter to mo dulate the carrier frequency for the cell communication and it uses special sensor trigger readers built into headphones to read the cells own signals.

OBERON finds out how stressed an organ is, and if there are any diseases developing, how much the cells are influenced by a specific disease, and which micro organisms and bacteria are in the area at the time of the scan.

OBERON is the most important tool we have for analyzing an organ’s stress levels and dysfunction.

The 8d nls pdf illness and imbalan ces or weaknesses which could lead to illness.

OBERON has been developed in Russia, and is a revolutionary invention. OBERON is a machine for data contro lled diagnosis and treatment, and is a result of many years co – operation between Russian scientists and medical doctors. OBERON diagnostics show the different defects and pathological changes in human organs and tissues.The method is based on an analysis of the brain stems electromagnetic waves which contain the complete information of the entire organism. This information is read by a sensor. A frequency transmitter aimed at the projection area of the brain stem stimulates this electromagnetic radiation.

8d nls pdf

What 8d nls pdf Specification?

What 8d nls pdf Specification:

Main machine

1 pc

Headphone Sensor

1 pc

Blue USB cable

1 pc

High quality Black connecting Cable

2 pcs

Testing Cup

1 pc

USB doogle for software

1 pc

USB software

1 pc

Aluminum box

1 pc

8d nls pdf

What8d nls pdfabout8d nls pdfthe8d nls pdfBio-resonance8d nls pdfTherapy?

What8d nls pdfabout8d nls pdfthe8d nls pdfBio-resonance8d nls pdfTherapy?8d nls pdf

Allergies8d nls pdfADHD8d nls pdfAcute8d nls pdfInfectious8d nls pdfDiseases8d nls pdfBronchial8d nls pdfAsthma8d nls pdfAutoimmune8d nls pdfDiseases8d nls pdfDegenerative8d nls pdfOrganic8d nls pdfDiseases8d nls pdfRheumatic8d nls pdfDiseases8d nls pdfArthropathy8d nls pdfGynecological8d nls pdfDisorders8d nls pdfsuch8d nls pdfas:8d nls pdf–8d nls pdfPainful8d nls pdfMenstruation8d nls pdf,8d nls pdfHormonal8d nls pdfImbalance8d nls pdf,8d nls pdfPre-natal8d nls pdfTreatment8d nls pdfImmunodeficiency8d nls pdfof8d nls pdfvaried8d nls pdforigin8d nls pdfPost-Vaccine8d nls pdfComplications8d nls pdfIntoxication8d nls pdfand8d nls pdfToxic8d nls pdfStress8d nls pdfHeadache8d nls pdfand8d nls pdfMigraine8d nls pdfMycotic8d nls pdfand8d nls pdfParasitic8d nls pdfDisorders8d nls pdfAll8d nls pdfTypes8d nls pdfof8d nls pdfPain8d nls pdfNeurodermatitis8d nls pdfand8d nls pdfEczema8d nls pdfSports8d nls pdfInjuries8d nls pdfMetabolic8d nls pdfDiseases8d nls pdfPre8d nls pdfand8d nls pdfPostoperative8d nls pdfTreatment(s)8d nls pdfSecondary8d nls pdfViral8d nls pdfDisorders8d nls pdfUrological8d nls pdfDisorders8d nls pdfEtc….

The8d nls pdfMeta-Therapy8d nls pdffrequency8d nls pdftreatment

The8d nls pdfbrain8d nls pdfwill8d nls pdfreceive8d nls pdfa8d nls pdfsignal8d nls pdfregarding8d nls pdfthe8d nls pdfneed8d nls pdfto8d nls pdftest8d nls pdfone8d nls pdfor8d nls pdfmore8d nls pdforgans8d nls pdfof8d nls pdfthe8d nls pdfbody,8d nls pdfwhich8d nls pdfsignal8d nls pdfis8d nls pdfdisplayed8d nls pdfon8d nls pdfthe8d nls pdfcomputer8d nls pdfmonitor8d nls pdfand8d nls pdfis8d nls pdfcaptured8d nls pdfin8d nls pdfthe8d nls pdfheadphones8d nls pdfof8d nls pdfsubject.8d nls pdfThe8d nls pdfsignal8d nls pdfrepresents8d nls pdfa8d nls pdfseries8d nls pdfof8d nls pdfelectromagnetic8d nls pdfoscillations8d nls pdfcharacteristic8d nls pdfof8d nls pdfhealthy8d nls pdforgans.8d nls pdfEvery8d nls pdfhuman8d nls pdfbody8d nls pdfpossesses8d nls pdfits8d nls pdfown8d nls pdfparticular8d nls pdfspectrum8d nls pdfof8d nls pdfelectromagnetic8d nls pdfoscillations.8d nls pdfThe8d nls pdfquestion8d nls pdfregarding8d nls pdfthe8d nls pdfstate8d nls pdfof8d nls pdfthe8d nls pdfhealth8d nls pdfcan8d nls pdfbe8d nls pdfexplored,8d nls pdfand8d nls pdfin8d nls pdfresponse8d nls pdfto8d nls pdfa8d nls pdfquestion,8d nls pdfthe8d nls pdfsubject’s8d nls pdfbrain8d nls pdfprovides8d nls pdfan8d nls pdfanswer,8d nls pdfwhich8d nls pdfis8d nls pdfthen8d nls pdfperceived8d nls pdfby8d nls pdfthe8d nls pdfsensors.8d nls pdfThe8d nls pdfoutcome8d nls pdfrepresents8d nls pdfthe8d nls pdfstate8d nls pdfof8d nls pdfthe8d nls pdfbody8d nls pdforganism.

8d nls pdf

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