12 Reasons Why bioescaner molecular 8d is a Good Idea

What is bioescaner molecular 8d?

bioescaner molecular 8d?

bioescaner molecular 8d?

bioescaner molecular 8d?
What is bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic-The bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic is the most revolutionary program for scanning and analyzing the various organs and systems of the physical body without having to make a medical or surgical intrusion.This device scans each organ and tissue on a cellular level. It compares the measurements to a database of thousands of referenced conditions and their diagnosis. bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic uses a special emitter to modulate the carrier frequency for the cell communication and it uses special sensor trigger readers built into headphones to read the cells own signals.bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic health analyzer to light waves,sonar,through the eardrum into the human body,use of quantum resonance techniques to probe the specific organs of the body tissue of the hydrogen atomic energy ,the resonance of electromagnetic waves and then feedback to the computer,Compared with fine huge database,thus find the detection organs present,past,and the next 3 ~5 years,the health status database was established by famous scientist of the former Soviet Union and the United States which spent 35 years,spending tens of billions of national research funds,a collection of different sex,different ages,different races,different diseases,different clinical data.
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bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic System and have a few question
We own the right to bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic and have a trademark for this name, while we are working to address this theft please we aware and feel free to ask us any questions.
Please see below emails from people who were under the impression that they purchased our bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic system and needed our support. We were not able to extend support until they purchased our original device. The information in bold at the end are our responses to these email situations.
Email #1
Hello, I have the bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic System and have a few questions:
1. I can install the bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic software but I do not have the TFORMMENU.victor.jpg file. Can you please email the file, or is there a link to download the program?
2. What is the main difference between the bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic03 program and the bioescaner molecular 8d NLS DiagnosticExpert? Is it ok to use both?
3. In the administrator section you can change the speed from Very Fast, Fast, Medium etc. Is it ok to use the very fast speed?
4. Is there a manual that explains how to use the bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic03 program?
5. What is the cost to order an additional headset?
6. What is the cost of ordering additional headset ear protectors?
7. Is there a website the host additional training videos?
Thank you,

8d lris nls

8d lris nls

8d lris nls
How bioescaner molecular 8d work?
How bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic Instruments works?-The bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic analog‑free computerized human body healty analyzer instruments enables to trace any states of biological object, according to a change in the wave characteristics of the bodys tissues, individual cells, chromosomes and even separate ferments and hormones.
Nonlinear analysis systems (NLS) are the most advanced information technologies that can now, at the outset of the century, be considered the most remarkable and advantageous accomplishment of modern natural science.
The Indication/diagnosis equipment based on the spectral analysis of vortex magnetic fields of biological organisms is quite unique .. Numerous experiments performed at the Institute of Practical Psychophysics confirm a close relationship between vortex magnetic fields and biological systems with these fields being used in biological systems as a means of extra ‑ and intracellular interaction. The vortex magnetic fields plays an important part in information transfer and interaction with biological sys‑tems.
How do biological systems recognize and isolate the necessary information from the background noise and in what manner do extra‑ and intracellular communications take place? The research on energy fields around plants and animals done at the Institute has brought to conclusion that there exists an extremely weak low‑frequency vortex magnetic field around biological systems. In try‑ing to figure out the world of energy fields of living organisms we drew close to the comprehension of the biofield phenomenon which people have known from time immemoria l,with some of the evidence found in the Yajur ‑ Veda and traditional Chinese medicine.
The scientific discoveries underlying this method are a technological addition to the centuries‑old Oriental medicine based on energy conceptions of acupuncture as a means of the biological system control. If we turn to the Chinese meridian system we will leam of the mysterious tsi flux which in energy terms reminds us of a coherent photon flux
The ʹ NLS •system shows functuats according to the principle of amplification of the initiating signal with the disintegration of metastable systems involved. In terms of physics the 8DNLS is a system of electronic oscillators resonating at the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation whose
energy is equivalent to the energy breaking down the dominant bonds that maintain the structural organization of theorganism under investigation.
The magnetic moments of the molecular currents, affected by external physical fields, lose their initial orientation which causes disalignment of the spin structures of delocalized electrons of admixture center of cortex neurons; that, in turn, gives rise to their unstable metastable states whose disintegration acts as an amplifier of the initiating signal.
ʺThe bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic employs a treatment method designed to strengthen the body and enhance the bodyʹs natural recovery to health. Making use of this device affords the practitioner and client an opportunity similar to one‑stop‑shopping;ʺ
The hardware‑software com‑plex developed at the Institute of Practical Psychophysics enables to produce a preset bioelectrical activity of brain neurons, with this activity as a background it becomes possible to selectively amplify signals hardly detectable against the statistical fluctuations and iso* late and decode the information they con‑tain.
In a way the apparatus • NLS • takes bearings of this radiation just where it originates in order to then decode and display it on the computer screen where a virtual model of the organ is produced in certain colors.

8d lris nls

8d lris nls
The bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic is designed to provide the most accurate results because it focuses on the source, the brain, therefore, the mind is where we begin accumulating information on the changes that occur in the body. The sensors in the headphones placed on the ears of the subject will trigger the brain to communicate the frequencies that occur within the body. Each and every change at the cellular level will be detected and identified, whether the challenge is a bacteria, virus, parasite, or any dis‑ease manifestation or biochemical being, it will be detected by recognition of its unique frequency/signature and be identified by name and development stage.
Modern bio-energy researches that have been carried out on plants and animals since 1920 concluded that there is a frequency-specific swirl, a magnetic field in biological systems.
In the center of the 8D-NLS Biorezonancia Scanners database, more than 100,000 patients, more than 1000 exclusive health questions, test results, and test information, based on which the 5718 spectral chart was compiled.
12 Reasons Why bioescaner molecular 8d is a Good Idea
1.The standards groups setting.
2. Fixing the three selected research schemes.
3. Automatic determination of the entropy index.
4. Auto META-Therapy
5.Can choose scanning speed
6.More convenient customer management .
7.More flexible Diagnostic report editing .
8.More intuitive diagnostic report .
9.More research scheme.
10.More Comparison of the database.
11.Faster scanning speed .
12.Accurate anatomic structures.
13.User friendly.
Where and who need the bioescaner molecular 8d?
bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic can be used by anyone who is interested in quickly and effectively examining the health of their patients, clients, friends, family or employees. Accurate analysis is the driving factor of our company and no matter whom you are or what you do, you will be well informed with the information you will gather from the bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic device, and so will everyone you work with.
Remember that the information is being gathered on a cellular level, and the beauty of this method of diagnosis is that before anything is manifested, it is found.
People who fall under any of the following categories are welcome, advised and will find benefit in using and having a bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic bio feed back device.
FAMILY DOCTORS-The device allows detecting and monitoring the expression of genetically caused diseases among all family members
CLINICS AND MEDICAL UNITS-Greatly increases the efficiency of clinical examination and the initial reception. Significantly lower costs of finance and time. Physicians are exempt from routine and often formal work. No need to send your clients to other specialists, you can assist them by examining all the concerns they have and providing treatment, and healing methods.
EDUCATION FACILITIES AND SCHOOLS-Becomes a real continuous monitoring of the health of all children and staff at intervals of not less than once a month, the ability to assess the adequacy of student’s health.
SPORTS, RECREATION CENTERS AND FITNESS FACILITIES-Objective medical monitoring is required whenever there is a serious exercise. This equipment allows us to create an individual program, taking into account features of the organism.
FAMILY AND FRIENDS-DOLMA bioescaner molecular 8d NLS Diagnostic is a great tool to monitor the health of your family and friends. Provides means of checkup, treatment and healing without having to spend large amounts of finances on health care services.
COSMETIC AND SPA SALONS-Concern about the health of its customers – a very strong competitive trump card. Objective assessment of the client can choose individual cosmetic program and achieve impressive results.

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