Why you should get out of your own way and metatron 8d nls already.

metatron 8d nls Specifications?
metatron 8d nls Specifications?
Software Works with a few different/latest softwares Internal generator frequency 4,9 GHZ Incoming signal filter + Resonance chamber + Anatomic structures accuracy 85-99% Histological virtual models 98% Package Contents
1 Main Device.
2 Magnetic inductor.
3 Scanner with trigger gauge.
4 Coupling cord to PC (USB) .
5 Technical data sheet.
6 User’s guide.
7 The software (DVD).
When oberon can use the bio therapy?
When oberon can use the bio therapy?
Acute Infectious Diseases
Bronchial Asthma
Autoimmune Diseases
Degenerative Organic Diseases
Rheumatic Diseases
Gynecological Disorders such as:
– Painful Menstruation
– Hormonal Imbalance
– Pre-natal Treatment
Immunodeficiency of varied origin
Post-Vaccine Complications
Intoxication and Toxic Stress
Headache and Migraine
Mycotic and Parasitic Disorders
All Types of Pain
Neurodermatitis and Eczema
Sports Injuries
Metabolic Diseases
Pre and Postoperative Treatment(s)
Secondary Viral Disorders
Urological Disorders
What is metatron 8d nls 3 Features?
What is metatron 8d nls 3 Features?
Body detection
12 large-scale system can detect the body, including the 1000 organs, gladns, and some cells to make predictions report, systemic accuracy 100000 collection points to ensure detection. Users can saw their own organs in the present, past, and future health of 3-5 years and vitality trends tissue cells.
Drug analysis and comparison
can analyze medicines,health products on the human body organ effect or whether there is damage, and thus the state of life balance for mediation.
Repair function improved
Energy spectrum of repair and restoration function, you can specify repair parts, auto body repair can be, or the early stages of the disease has not yet formed, especially sore point for repair has good secondary effects.

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