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what iris 8d software system?

iris 8d software

original 9d 8d nls health analyzer

original 9d 8d nls health analyzer
Accuracy of measurement: 70 millions of measuring points per organism. 8d nls system provides big virtual recognition models of human organs with accuracy 85-99%. In the case of histology virtual organs, model accuracy amounts to 98% and in the case of cytological and genetic structures about 98%. The device’s resonance compartment enables exploration of all kinds of chemical and biological products in order to make an analysis of character and their influence on actual patients. 8d nls system with software Metapathia 3 can recognize in its infancy such diseases as precocity tumor, sclerosis multiplex and others and make their analysis and send information about their advancement. 8d nls system is a revolutionary diagnostic system using the most modern components and software to create possibilities for doctors to recognize many illnesses in their infancy (eg. infancy of tumours, sclerosis multiplex etc).
Early recognition of diseases in their infancy and protracted diseases.
Creating blood and hormone analysis.
Activation of compensatory body reactions by way of metatherapy.
Destructive influence on the morbifics micro-organisms.
Recognizing parasites such as: intestinal parasites, fungi, bacteria, viruses, micro-plasmas rickettsia.
Recognizing allergens.
Medicaments analysis and tests, follow-up nourishment, fitospecimens, homeopatics specimens, ointments, cremes and materials for teeth in respect of their agency and tolerance.
how to use iris 8d software?
Connect the items cup link to the 8D-NLS.
Place drugs or health food into item cup (Note: unless you are a medical doctor, you are not allowed to recommend taking a patient off their medication without the consent of their doctor).
Click the organs that you wish to assess
Place the headset onto the patient
Click vegetotest in the Diacom software, enter the name of the drug or health food, and then start the test to assess out the drug or health food impact testing.
After completing the test, the results will show in the in organ diagnosis list.
Press analysis key to carry out the drug or health food analysis comparison.
On the analysis of the comparison window, select the organs that have been detected and click auto search.
The comparison window will search the organs to compare and analyze automatically.
where need the 8d metatron nls ?
People who fall under any of the following categories are welcome, advised and will find benefit in using and having a Metatron 4025 Hunter device: Physicians, Naturopaths, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Dietitians, Licensed Nutritionists, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Physician Assistants, Integrative Medicine/CAM Program Directors, Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Complementary Medicine, Homeopaths, Massage Therapists, Medical SPAS, Wellness and Fitness Centers, Cosmetic Salons, Pharmacists, Medical Students and Faculty, Licensed Herbalists, Anti-aging and other Alternative Medicine Practitioners.No doubt, Metatron 4025 Hunter will be your new corporate business model in coming future. It conveys the positive effects and the deep impression on your clients, holds their attention and makes them come back again and again to your business circle. It creates a lot of benefits and makes a lot of money from the following ways in expanding markets on preventive medical fields, medical checkup and its follow-up products or peripheral commodities for a long-term period.
Where to download the iris 8d software ?
We are the iris 8d software nls system 8d software 8d nls,9d nls,oberon nls,vector nls ,metatron nls supplier,if you need more info and pirce,please contact us.
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