Vector V19 NLS Here Quick Way to All info

What is a Vector V19 NLS?
New medical technology destroys viruses, fungi, parasites and worms
Direct treatment of any unwanted physical condition (illness and the main cause of the disease)
The Russian Institute of Practical Psychophysics in Moscow applies physical science to improve the quality of life. It researches and creates new technologies. The medical tool uses state-of-the-art technology that has been developed and codified over 20 years.
As part of the Institute’s extensive government program, DIACOM has developed a new and innovative medical device by a team of doctors, physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists. It can scan and diagnose all organs and tissues in the body at the cellular level. After scanning and diagnosing, the same machine will be used to restore any non-optimal condition to normal and optimal.
Because it operates at the cellular level, it can detect and treat “underlying diseases” in their infancy that would otherwise go undetected.
Vector V19 NLS Here Quick Way to All info
It was originally used by the Russian military to treat servicemen because it was faster and more precise than previous medical procedures. It eliminates “guesswork” and “opinion”.
The Russian government uses it to maintain the health of astronauts, soldiers and government officials. Another use of Russian submarines is in medical procedures, such as procedures performed at low depths or under pressure that may pose a risk. After successful military use, make it available to hospitals, doctors and other healthcare professionals.
Equipment components include a scanner, dedicated headphones and a computer monitor. It can diagnose and treat all areas of the body including: heart and circulatory system, lungs, stomach and intestines, reproductive system, skeletal endoskeletal system, muscles, endocrine system, vision and hearing, nervous system, thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, pancreas, thymus, lymphatic system, blood cells, spinal cord, cells and organ tissue. If it is part of the body, it can be successfully diagnosed and treated.
The device can identify weak or diminished functioning organs before problems occur. No other medical practice identifies potential problems and weaknesses as easily as it does early in the disease progression cycle. It detects and destroys harmful microorganisms (short for microbial or “microscopic” organisms). Microorganisms are bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi that cause disease. Everyone has microbes in their bodies to some degree. These microbes are annoying and cause more trouble than one might think.
Because of these microorganisms, most, if not all, diseases originate in the “gut”. A particular type of microorganism is a parasite such as a worm or fungus that robs the body of nutrients it needs. Microbes intercept glucose, which enters cells in the organ. Glucose is a simple sugar that is used for energy. As a result, the affected cells lose the energy needed to achieve optimal function. As a result, these affected cells become vulnerable.
These microorganisms excrete waste called mycotoxins, which are toxic acids that are completely worthless to cells and very harmful to the body. As a result, not only are the cells intercepted by parasites due to inadequate food supply, but they also live in toxic waste (mycotoxins). This further weakened the cells. Since organs are made up of cells only, when cells become weak, the organs themselves become weak. The immune system is overworked in an attempt to correct non-optimal weakened organs.
The microorganisms are scanned during diagnosis and then eliminated during treatment. By destroying microbes without affecting good bacteria and cells, you can not only address the cause of the disease, but also the cause of the disease. Cancer, asthma, diabetes, eczema and psoriasis (skin diseases) and many other diseases have something in common that is well known – microorganisms in the gut, intestines or bloodstream cause a continued decline in the immune system. As a result, the body is vulnerable to disease and chronic illness.
One of the great advantages of this treatment is that it can be used on children and even babies. For example, scans were performed on infants with severe rashes. Through a diagnostic scan, it was found that the baby was allergic to cat hair. When the cat in the house was removed, the rash disappeared. Allergic reactions to cat hair in infants are found without invasive tests or blood tests. Anyone from children to pregnant women is absolutely safe and pain-free.
Gives you a more realistic view of what is happening: you are sitting in front of the device. You can observe (on a computer monitor) the area of the body being scanned or treated. Detailed illustrations are displayed graphically on the computer screen. From bones to blood cells, more than 200 organs and parts of the body can be observed. There are over 1000 patterns in the human body that can be analyzed and viewed in detail.
How does the Vector V19 NLS work?
The important step is to relieve the symptoms. For this, traditional medication may also be needed. However, this does not preclude natural remedies that can be started at the same time.
It is usually only after this that you have a chance to look for triggers and causes.
The gut plays an important role in all skin problems because the skin and gut must be healthy.
Hormone and immune system regulation is an essential part of holistic treatment.
Need to detect allergy-causing substances and heavy metal contamination.
Food intolerances and allergies are tested for and incorporated into treatment plans.
Why Vector V19 NLS and where to use Vector V19 NLS?
MAIKONG Vector V19 NLS can be used by anyone interested in quickly and efficiently checking the health of patients, clients, friends, family or employees.Accurate analysis is a driving factor in our company and no matter who you are or what you do, the information gathered from the maikong Vector V19 NLS equipment will fully inform you and everyone you work with will be well informed.
Keep in mind that information is gathered at the cellular level and the advantage of this diagnostic method is that it is found before anything is proven.
Those who fall into any of the following categories will be welcomed, advised and benefit from the use of themaikong Vector V19 NLS biofeedback device.
family doctor
The device detects and monitors the expression of genetic disorders in all family members
Clinical and medical units
The efficiency of clinical examinations and initial consultations has been greatly improved. Significantly reduces financial costs and time. The physician is exempt from routine and frequent formal work. Without referring your client to another specialist, you can help them by examining all of their concerns and offering treatment and rehabilitation methods.
Educational facilities and schools
The ability to monitor the health of all children and staff on a truly continuous basis at intervals of no less than once a month, making it possible to assess the health status of pupils.
Sports, recreation centres and fitness facilities
Objective medical monitoring is required when strenuous exercise is performed. The device allows us to consider the characteristics of the organism to create individual programs.
friends and relatives
MAIKONG Vector V19 NLS is a great tool for monitoring the health of family and friends. A way to provide screening, treatment and rehabilitation without spending a lot of money on health care services.
Cosmetics and Spa Salon
Focus on the health of the customer – a very competitive trump card. An objective assessment of the client allows for the selection of a personalized cosmetic plan with considerable results.
What is an Vector V19 NLS major?
1) The green check does not do any harm to the body.
2) Not only can you see the health of your internal organs, but you can also easily understand the health trends 3-5 years from now.
3) Quickly detects changes in human tissue in 12 systems, can compare the relevant scanning range, completes up to 300 light speed of 100,000 scanning points to ensure the accuracy of detection.
4) Quickly help users understand the role of specific organs in advance.
(5) Test data on the efficacy of daily food or health food.
6) To provide a professional image of the material in order to train the professional knowledge of the practitioners
7) To provide a basis for tracking the effectiveness of health care products sold.
8) Personalized health professional data recovery plans can be provided to consumers.
9) Can provide consumers with daily guidance on healthy eating.
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