The Truth About metatron 8d nls

metatron 8d nls vs MRI VS CT
metatron 8d nls vs MRI VS CT
The knowledge of this metatron 8d nls device can be compared to the knowledge of MRI and CT.
ATTENTION!!! – the purchase price of MRI is approx. HUF 300 million.
On the left side, the MRI image is displayed, on the right is the metatron 8d nls image representation.
Bioresonance scanners can be used to measure the vibration and distortion of qvantum energy vibration of the patient’s biology to determine what frequency spectrum energy is needed to restore biophoton communication, optimum cell energy levels, and the balance of other components.
Based on the resonant frequencies, you can measure the vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D3, E, K, Minerals, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Selenium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Copper, Cobalt, Manganese Methionine, Threonine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Valine, Histidine, Arginine Amines, Heavy Metals, Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Nickel, Fluoride, Molybdenum, Vanadium, Chromium, Arsenic, Antimony, Tallium, and other toxic substances. Measures Medicine, Alcohol, Dust, Smoke, Paint, Hair Color, Animal Hair, Metal, Sea Fish Meals, Milk, Allergy Sensitivity.
Results can be saved in printable tables by sending emails or printing out.
The metatron 8d nls Bioresonance Scanners technology incorporates this Frequency Therapy feature. 5718 can radiate spectral etalon frequencies, the organization using Frequency Therapy.
Based on the analysis of the instrument, every symptom can be recognized in time, and with Biofoton frequency therapy it is possible to remedy any changes.
Who and Where Need the metatron 8d nls?
Who and Where Need the metatron 8d nls?
metatron 8d nls is for everyone
Anyone and everyone who is interested in taking control of their health can use the metatron 8d nls system. Anyone who needs therapeutic recovery from a health imbalance and a preventative method to monitor health-using frequencies can use the metatron 8d nls system. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing the best quality training at an affordable price in order to make you an expert on our system as well as an expert of your health. Personal training online is free and ongoing. By appointment, you can set as many sessions with one of our trainers and continue your metatron 8d nls education. Everyone is invited to try the metatron 8d nls biofeedback system.
Family Doctors
Family doctors have a unique opportunity to use the metatron 8d nls Biofeedback system in their practice because they already have a client base and level of trust built with patients. The metatron 8d nls system is non-invasive and very straight forward tool. If at any time a patient comes in with a difficult health symptom a doctor can use the metatron 8d nls system to identify where frequency imbalances are and determine how to bring them back to balance in order to help the patient recover.
Clinics and Medical Facilities
The metatron 8d nls biofeedback system helps in the clinical reception. This method not only helps you save time but you can also lower the costs of the analysis process. The metatron 8d nls system may facilitate a diagnosis without having to send your patients to the specialists. The metatron 8d nls system will let you examine all the issues a patient may have and can provide you with a treatment and healing method. metatron 8d nls is very detailed and will provide the information necessary to address the patients’ unique health concerns without invasive procedures and expensive testing.
Education Facilities and Employers
A health scan once a month can be a huge step in preventative health and a heads up for any possible future issue. Knowing what imbalances are present in the body can lead to options in therapeutic methods to avoid serious illness in the future. Offering health scans to employees and students will limit the amount of health costs in the future and insure the health of your students and employees.
Sports, Recreation Centers and Fitness Facility
While performing serious exercises one must have continuous monitoring of their health. Offering health scans as part of an exercise regime will benefit the athlete as well as the facility by avoiding long term health problems due to over indulgence of specific foods or over strain of exercise. The metatron 8d nls system offers options for food recommendations and a test of vitamin levels in the body to make sure all is normal.
Family and Friends
metatron 8d nls biofeedback device helps you monitor the health of your friends and family. You can easily scan family members and look into imbalances, monitor and provide therapy to balance them out. Saving the family thousands in medical bills and avoiding terminal illness by catching it in advance and naturally healing the process.
Cosmetics and Spa Salons
Those interested in better health and youthful appearance must first learn about the internal condition of their organs, tissues and cells. Looking great and feeling great is important, but it is also important to be healthy from the inside out in order to live a long and healthy life to enjoy these luxuries. metatron 8d nls Biofeedback offers health scans on skin tissue, blood cells and other areas related to good looks. Few of our clients are Spa owners so if you are interested in learning about their experience please email us.
What is metatron 8d nls?
What is metatron 8d nls?
Energetische Diagnose und Therapie durch nichtlineare Systemanalyse (metatron 8d nls)
Ein high-tech Produkt zum vollständigen und automatischen Scan des menschlichen Körpers, basierend auf neuen Erkenntnissen der Quantenphysik.
Dreidimensionale Darstellung der Resultate der Untersuchungsergebnisse.
Zugelassenes Medizinprodukt der Klasse IIa.

Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |