The 10 Most Common Mistakes of 8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scanner

What included 8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scanner components?
What included 8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scanner components?
Main machine: 1 pc
Headphone Sensor:1 pc
Blue USB cable:1 pc
High quality Black connecting Cable:2 pcs
Testing Cup:1 pc
USB doogle for software:1 pc
USB software:1 pc
Aluminum box:1 pc
What 8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scanner Accuracy & Comparison?
What 8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scanner Accuracy & Comparison?
The foremost question that arises when giving consideration to the 8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scanner device is how the device differs from the hundreds of other devices already being sold on the market. While all companies try to convince people that there is some huge difference in the function of their devices, the truth is that they all function according to similar principles. The LRIS-NLS is considered a biofeedback device and the most significant difference in biofeedback devices is the methodology in which the diagnosis is being conducted. Some devices work with radio frequencies while others gather information from the pulse and moisture present in the skin. The LRIS-NLS, however, functions in the realm of processing information within the electromagnetic field while also incorporating other methods of Analysis.
The LRIS-NLS is designed to provide the most accurate diagnostic results because it focuses on the source, the brain, therefore, the mind is where we begin accumulating information on the changes that occur in the body. The sensors in the headphones placed on the ears of the subject will trigger the brain to communicate the frequencies that occur within the body. Each and every change at the cellular level will be detected and identified, whether the challenge is bacteria, virus, parasite, or any disease manifestation or biochemical being, it will be detected by recognition of its unique frequency/signature and be identified by name and development stage.
The LRIS-NLS employs a treatment method designed to strengthen the body and enhance the body’s natural recovery to health. The combination of such healing modalities as acupuncture, iridology, aura detection and others enhance the device’s accuracy of diagnosis. Making use of this device affords the practitioner and client an opportunity similar to one-stop-shopping; visiting the specialist for an entire analysis and not having to wait weeks for the results.
The focus is the diagnostic portion, and everything that is spiritual, emotional or mental becomes secondary. Our bodies are incredible, and of course the healing of one’s body has everything to do with the faith and health of a strong mind.. Our analysis is 90%-95% accurate because the program allows the operator to research locally and in detail. The sensors in the headphones are designed to accurately recognize specific frequencies while the patient/client is present.
Most biofeedback equipment operates on a similar principle; detailed software aids in providing the most accurate analysis and the sensors identify the specific frequency which helps in the return to good health. Compared to other devices on the market, the LRIS-NLS appears to be the most user friendly device that provides exemplary accuracy. With its ease of simplicity, it is designed to be used by anyone, practitioner or non-practitioner; anyone who takes a proactive approach and strives for good health and well-being.
We encourage and welcome any questions, as we are confident that once you have an opportunity to experience and operate the LRIS-nls and witness its results, you will be extremely impressed. Please feel free to contact with us for more information.
What is Magnetspace 8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scanner Biophysical Device?
What is Magnetspace 8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scanner Biophysical Device
The device 8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scanner allows us to quickly measure the current energy state of the entire human body without any adverseside effects, then draw the necessary conclusions, and learn about the risk of certain diseases. In addition, the 8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scanner is suitable for mapping the presence of various bacteria, viruses, parasitic fungi, parasites, and unicellular organisms;and to detect whether these pathogens are active in the body.
The device includes additional useful functions. It is suitable, among others, for preparing personalized information products (these work like homeopathic products) as well as for conducting an information therapy – Meta Therapy.
The device is also suitable for predicting possible abnormalities of homeostasis, selecting diet related health promotion programs, and identifying the vibration pattern of the most appropriate medication or nutritional supplement for the person being examined. The effectiveness of the selected products may be measured in advance by testing vegetative reactions (vegeto-test). The “electronic pharmacy” that is the reference information module contains more than 10,000 spectrograms (vibration patterns). This allows the selection and the instant preparation of a personalized information product that will work the most effectively and efficiently.
The process of analysis is simple.
Since the electrical activity of the vegetative structure of the brain is unavailable, the vegetative brain formulas are activated by sound, electromagnetic vibrations (through the headphones), and visual stimulation.
Visual activators support permanent and intensive changes in relation to a certain organ. The system amplifies the signals coming from the brain, then converts them into a digital code making it suitable for enteringit into the computer in the form of information. The procedure is indicated on the anatomical illustration of the examined organ with the corresponding colored symbols.
The color and the location of the symbols on the illustrations depend on the intensity of signals coming from the brain.They reflect the health state of the body, more specifically the various stages of stress functioning, and also refer to the already obvious pathological changes.
The next stage of the rapid test involves an energy audit. The basis of the audit is that the program compares the vibrations corresponding to the various diseases, the so-called etalon processes stored in the computer’s memory, with the current information received from the person being examined. The program allows us to approach the energy diagnosis in different ways, including variance analysis, entropy analysis, multivariate or linear analysis, and graphical representation (the program compares the graphical representation of the virtual models of the diseases with the data of the examined person). The program is able to analyze not only the entire body at the anatomical and histological level, but also allows the individual intersections and the interaction between them to be examined.
The reliability of the health check is guaranteed by 5 different positions. The closer the information received from the examined person is to the virtual model of the disease, the greater is the accuracy and the reliability of the results. Considering that 4 symbols of the 6 that are used in the program indicate some state of functioning, we can say that the device allows us to determine the development of pathological processes already in the initial stages.
In the next stage of the health check (rapid test), with the help of the program you can choose from the vibrational pictures of various products (allopathic and homeopathic products, nutritional supplements, herbs). The program also specifies which of the products in the database are the most suitable for improving the condition of a given organ. This is made for each patient individually, taking into consideration one’s state of health. The device is able to test automatically whether a product is suitable for a given patient or not. In addition to the thousands of products stored in the database of the program, you can test vibrations of any other product by placing the product into the magneto-optical chamber of the device (external vegeto-test).
If the given product can improve the overall condition of the body, the product may be recommended for use for the patient. Using the biophysical NLS method, it is possible to prepare the so-called spectronosodes, which reflect the vibration pattern of the given product, and can affect a certain organ at the information level.
The program provides a huge amount of statistical data on the distribution of the various nosological forms of diseases according to age groups and gender. This allows us to retrieve and process essential information even if we only know the gender and the age of the patient.
What is 8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scanner 9 Advantage?
What is 8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scanner 9 Advantage?
1. Hardware cpu Frequency:5.3GHz
2. Cores : Advanced core processors
3. The detection speed is very quick.
4. Average time of scanning: 2-3 seconds.
5. More advanced, has a large database
6. Defines in more detail the diagnoses.
7. The best pre-clinical diagnostic device
8. The most practical model for Clinical version
9. It can detect all the problem zones in a patient’s organism using its non-invasive methods.
What8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannercan8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannertherapy8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerBio8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerresonance?
What8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannercan8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannertherapy8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerBio8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerresonance?
Acute8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerInfectious8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerDiseases
Bronchial8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerAsthma
Autoimmune8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerDiseases
Degenerative8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerOrganic8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerDiseases
Rheumatic8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerDiseases
Gynecological8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerDisorders8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannersuch8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scanneras:
-8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerPainful8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerMenstruation
-8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerHormonal8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerImbalance
-8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerPre-natal8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerTreatment
Immunodeficiency8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerof8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannervaried8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerorigin
Post-Vaccine8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerComplications
Intoxication8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerand8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerToxic8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerStress
Headache8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerand8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerMigraine
Mycotic8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerand8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerParasitic8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerDisorders
All8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerTypes8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerof8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerPain
Neurodermatitis8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerand8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerEczema
Sports8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerInjuries
Metabolic8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerDiseases
Pre8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerand8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerPostoperative8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerTreatment(s)
Secondary8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerViral8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerDisorders
Urological8d lris nls quantum health analyzer machine bioresonance body scannerDisorders

Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |