8d lris
 | 8d lris nls What is it? What is Das 8d lris nls Diagnose System-8d lris nls ist ein elektromedizinisches Gerät aus dem Bereich der Informations- und Komplementär-medizin, das zur Diagnose und Therapie verwendet werden kann.Die NLS- Methode, zu der das … |
 | What is 8d lris nls? How about the 8d lris nls ?-The researches of the Institute have created an analogue-free investigation system, which allows tracing any conditions in the body through changes in the wave characteristics of tissues of the … |
 | What is 8d lris? What is 8d lris?-This is the most super active homeostasis control program in the world today. The researchers at the Institute were the first to succeed in producing this most effective equipment that is capable of … |
 | What is 8d lris? What is 8d lris or Bio Resonance?-8d lris or Bio Resonance is based on the concept and observation that all living organisms and their components, the cells, tissues and organs, emit measurable electromagnetic waves. The frequency … |
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