8d lris
 | original 8d lris how to work? Design and operation principle Operation principles of “original 8d lris” system which belong to “brain machines” class are based on fundamentals of Nesterov – Van Hoven quantum entropy logic theory. According to quantum entropy … |
 | 8d lris NLS Background & Research And history At the present time, science and society are imposing an information overload on the, which is causing people to be drowning in a sea of confusion and information. A century ago, a … |
 | what is 8d analysis? What’s8d analysis NLS?-Accuracy of measurement: 70 millions of measuring points per organism. 8d analysis nls NLS provides big virtual recognition models of human organs with accuracy 85-99%. In the case of histology virtual organs, model accuracy … |
 | What is 8d lris? What’s the body health analyzer 8d lris?-Accuracy of measurement: 70 millions of measuring points per organism. 8d lris provides big virtual recognition models of human organs with accuracy 85-99%. In the case of histology virtual organs, … |
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