8d lris nls
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 | WHAT IS 8d lris nls analysis systems? •The 8d lris nls has produced analog-free investigation equipment that enables to trace any states of biological object according to a change in the wave characteristics of the bodys tissues, individual cells, chromosomes … |
 | 8d lris NLS Background & Research And history At the present time, science and society are imposing an information overload on the, which is causing people to be drowning in a sea of confusion and information. A century ago, a … |
 | What is 8d lris? What’s the body health analyzer 8d lris?-Accuracy of measurement: 70 millions of measuring points per organism. 8d lris provides big virtual recognition models of human organs with accuracy 85-99%. In the case of histology virtual organs, … |
 | What is 8d NLS Bioresonance QMR Scanner? Body Health Analyzer QMR Scanner By sensing and analyzing the biophoto radiation of the brain, we get an accurate picture of the functioning, physiological and energetic condition of our body. In the Bioresonance … |
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