8d lris nls
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 | what is 8d iris nls? 8d iris nls is interaction between a living organism and its frequency patterns that surround orresonate as the result of the organisms movements. 8d iris nls therapy with LRIS-NLS device biofeedback is communication set between … |
 | What can iris 8d software do? Analysis of all the complex organs of the body: The cardiovascular system Digestive apparatus (gastrointestinal) Bone and muscular system The urinary and genital system The pulse system The endocrine system Visual and hearing aids … |
 | What is original 8d lris ? original 8d lris is a state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment device with the latest software version, in English and in Romanian. It is part of the NLS (nonlinear analyis system) analyzer using magnetic biorezonance. It … |
 | original 8d lris how to work? Design and operation principle Operation principles of “original 8d lris” system which belong to “brain machines” class are based on fundamentals of Nesterov – Van Hoven quantum entropy logic theory. According to quantum entropy … |
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