Here’s a Quick Way to 8d iris nls gesundheit analysator

how 8d iris nls gesundheit analysator nls work?
The device works on the principle of amplification of the iniciated signals with the disintegration of metastable structures. By influencing external electromagnetic fields the magnetic moments of the molecular currents in the centers of the cortex nerve cells are loosing their authentic orientation. This causes faulty adjustment of eddy structures of delocalized electrons which lead to formation of unstable metastable states. Disintegration of such state acts as iniciated signal. Expressed physically this device is system of the electronic oscillator which oscillates at appropriate wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. Its energy corresponds to the energy that degrades dominant bonds that maintain structural organization of biological objects in a good condition.The device can cause a bioelectric aktivity of the brain cells so it is possible to selectively amplify signals in the background, which compared to static currents, are hard to detect. Information concerning specific temporal condition of organs and tissues are gathered on the basis of non-contact sensor that was developed using modern information technology and infrasonic circuits. This sensor reveals hardly detectable fluctuation of signals, which are filtered from sound fields and subsequently converted into a digital sequence where they are processed by a microprocessor and, using the interface cable, transferred to a computer.The development of a new generation of nonlinear computer scanners (metatrons), which make use of multidimensional virtual imaging of the object under investigation, has enabled to substantially enhance the effectiveness of the NLS-method and even expand its field of application, despite the competitiveness from MRT. The distinctive feature of multidimensional NLS imaging is an initially volumetric nature of scanning.
The data thus received are an integral array, which facilitates the reconstruction of multidimensional virtual images of anatomical structures of the object under investigation. In this connection the virtual NLS is widely used, especially for angiographic investigations with a three-dimensional reconstruction of vascular formations. Another prospective field of application of the three-dimensional image reconstruction based on the data received by means of multidimensional NLS is the study of hollow organs with Уvirtual NLS-scopyФ involved. This kind of system was developed by Medintech Company for its high-speed multidimensional nonlinear scanners, Z series, and was called Hunter. Hugh resolution maintained during spiral scanning and the use of LAPP system (a system parallel processors with super high computational capability and speed of operation) enable to realize in the project the principle of Уvirtual NLS-scopyФ at Voxel Z multimodal DICOM- compatible work station which is the principal system of imaging and subsequent data processing with Medintech scanners. NLS images are made ready for visual analysis by means of 4-d Tissue original company-developed method that makes it possible not only to obtain virtual multidimensional icons of anatomical structures but also to single out a specific biological tissue of interest-an extra dimension-and in addition make an imaged bones, soft tissue and vessels at a time. The specific characteristic of the representation of virtual data by the Hunter system is simultaneous of surfaces of cavatus and extramural formations located outside the lumen of the cavity under examination (lymph nodes, vessels). The images that are received form a natural sequence of virtual NLS pictures.
So some special navigation programs automatically define the path of motion of the Уvirtual scannerФ by the center of the cavity under examination. The path of motion can be chosen by the operator by means of some other adjustments, which enable to specify the NLS picture in detail by changing of views. A raised representation of the cavity surface is also possible with some deliberate areas of shade involved. The produced sequences of NLS pictures can be easily transformed into a standard VHS video format by means of the epi-Clien program and thus be used in common video systems, specifically in teleradiology. The Hunter system is in the first place designed to reveal patients having obstructive processes in the upper respiratory passages, bulky esophageal, gastric or colonic formations, atherosclerotic lesions o large vessels, and disorders affecting paranasal sinuses, bladder, or spinal canal. The data gathered through Уvirtual NLS-scopyФ enable to pick out in good time the optimum spot for biopsy and find out the extent of the required surgical intervention.
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This new model performs all energy diagnostic analysis automatically and completely on its own. All measured data and analysis are evaluated in tables, so you can see and watch the last 4 diagnosis at once. The device is able to compare immediately and to evaluate correctly the measured values of the previous analyzes. Everything can be printed out immediately. While printing, you can also choose adjustment and printing of required parameters. The device allows you to choose manual settings as in the previous systems or semi-automatic settings when energy harmonization. It is able to test suitable food supplements, herbs, foods, allergens, pathogens, etc. Another inovation brings an option to compare the diagnostic of the measured curves, spin energy of organs and energy map of organs. The device was also supplemented with further testing for pathogens, list of another 25 companies dealing with dietary supplements and testing for suitable foods for a particular client. Another new feature is the automatic quantum harmonization. The programming software is regularly improved. Once you connect to the Internet and the program runs on the computer, a new current database of other allergens, pathogens, nutritional supplements, homeopathic remedies and other software upgrade is downloaded. If you have a problem with the software, we will quickly resolve it using a remote connection to your computer.
Each OBERON NLS is calibrated with a computer processor to work as precisely as possible. It can be set to normal or higher sensitivity. A computer with installed software should be used only for diagnostic and notes. Installing additional software and downloading can recalibrate the device and partly influence the evaluation of recorded samples. Therefore we recommend to use the computer only for diagnostics and energy health analysis. We also provide remote maintenance of your computer, so you do not necessarily need to drive tens or hundreds of kilometers in order to fix any error or blockage of the program.
WHAT IS 8d iris nls gesundheit analysator Features ?
The 8D WHAT IS 8d iris nls gesundheit analysator program combines features of many people’s preferences. Emotions, health issues, pains, and suggestions to a healthier you are some of the features included. What makes 8D different is the combination of many functions:
Biofield Imbalance Analysis:
Energy of a person’s core
Organ biofields
Pathomorphology energies
Microorganisms (parasites, bacteria & viruses)
Individual biofields compared to disease biofields
Geo-pollution pathogen biofields
Vaccination biofields
Allergen irritants
Food imbalances
Ninety metals
Biochemical homeostasis
Fears & Emotions
Biofield weakness
Impact on the environment
Implant energies
Biofield Balancing Actions:
Meta-Therapy, remedies by inverting stress frequencies
Homeopathy remedies
Bioidentical hormone energies
Bach Flower energies
Herb Energies
Phytotherapy energies
Bioresonance balancing
Inverting Vaccination frequencies
Therapeutic cosmetology
Crystal stone therapy
Stimulates & energizes
Organic preparations
Fears & Emotions
Remedy Analysis &/or Balancing
Spring Health
Tianshi group
Vision – Program 23
Art Life
Vita Max
Schussler Salts
Vaccine strains
Regena therapy
Nutricevtics & paraphaemaceuticals
Nosoligical forms
Alternative Health Evaluations:
Zodiac description leaning toward a certain health issues
Birth date helps the accuracy of the biofield analysis
500 names of biofield organs and organisms
Facial clues of imbalances
Tongue clues of imbalances
Main Analysis Functions:
Anatomy biofield energies 1 – 6 displayed
Red & blue display of hyper & hypo biofield charges
Etalon coefficients of biofield pathomorphologies
Entropy (disorder) analysis valuations 1 – 7
Vegeto test to indicate best coping frequencies/remedies
Micro-organism biofield analysis
Who can operate a 8d iris nls gesundheit analysator?
All NLS Metatron Scanners must be operated only by a Certified Metatherapist.
Who and Where need use the 8d iris nls gesundheit analysator ?
People who fall under any of the following categories are welcome, advised and will find benefit in using and having a Metatron 4025 Hunter device: Physicians, Naturopaths, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Dietitians, Licensed Nutritionists, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Physician Assistants, Integrative Medicine/CAM Program Directors, Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Complementary Medicine, Homeopaths, Massage Therapists, Medical SPAS, Wellness and Fitness Centers, Cosmetic Salons, Pharmacists, Medical Students and Faculty, Licensed Herbalists, Anti-aging and other Alternative Medicine Practitioners.No doubt, Metatron 4025 Hunter will be your new corporate business model in coming future. It conveys the positive effects and the deep impression on your clients, holds their attention and makes them come back again and again to your business circle. It creates a lot of benefits and makes a lot of money from the following ways in expanding markets on preventive medical fields, medical checkup and its follow-up products or peripheral commodities for a long-term period.

Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |