8D nls health analyzer The Best NLS for Metatron NLS

8d nls health analyzer history

8D nls health analyzer

8D nls health analyzer

8D nls health analyzer

8D nls health analyzer

8D nls health analyzer
Energy Life ltd. is a trading company. Since 2014 it has been dealing with selling out the bio-resonance devices on the basis of 8d nls health analyzer. Energy Life ltd. has been connected with producers of Oberon Quantum system in the Czech Republic and it has been spreading these devices worldwide now. Devices have been developed and improved constantly. Over the last three years there were more than 130 improvements. The research team was created by Miroslav Nosek Ph.D., M.D., a member of Russian Academy of Science, Alex Waldemar Laufersweiler, a scientist member of MAE counsel and Thomas Mariančík, a software specialist. The last model has been working automatically and it exceeds models of other companies in many ways . We are 2-4 times more cost effective and more affordable. The device Oberon system with Quantum Metapathia special AWL is mainly used by nutrition specialists, doctors closed to complementary and alternative medicine, homeopaths (it determines and it produces homeopathic remedies) and especially healers. Our training regularly takes place in Prague. Another ones are possible by remote assistance of the TeamViewer application all over the world.Nonlinear Diagnosis System (8d nls health analyzer) have been extensively used lately and are gaining ever growing popularity. Even in the few cases where the clinical symptoms look very typical the 8d nls health analyzer diagnosis method provides extra information about the extension of affection and enables to judge a prognosis. In most cases it is of vital importance for diagnosis and consequently for the right choice of treatment.
In 2000 it had been 20 years since Theodore Van Hoven developed the theory of quantum entropy logic that underlies the method. So nonlinear diagnosis appears to be the newest of all methods of apparatus diagnostics. At any rate, his discovery became a significant landmark in diagnostic medicine. Nonlinear analysis was originally employed in organic chemistry to determine the composition of complex compounds. The originator of the 8d nls health analyzer-diagnosis apparatus (metatron) is acceptedly thought to be Sviatoslav Pavlovich Nesterov who introduced a trigger sencor in 1988 and thus framed the conception of the apparatus. Active work was immediately started to develop and improve 8d nls health analyzer-diagnosis systems. Clinical testing of the early equipment marked a period from 1990 through 1995. In the late 90s there was a fast growth in commercial apparatus production and a sudden leap in the quality of the results produced. The nonlinear diagnosis method is still in its developing stage. The diagnosis techniques are being improved so fast that the system versions have to be updated every six months. Due to the introduction of some new devices equipped with digital trigger sensors the 8d nls health analyzer-diagnosis has become not only far more time-efficient but also quite different in terms of quality.
Apparently, some dynamic techniques, for instance three-dimensional visualization of investigation results will soon be introduced into everyday practice. The vegetative testing is just one example of ready adoption. The method is employed so widely that it implies a definite range of indications for its use rather than just its popularization. Research centers go on with their guest for some new investigation methods based on nonlinear analysis systems. The results appear to be quite promising. Unlike NMR and computer tomography, the 8d nls health analyzer- analysis does not need high intensity fields. The method seems to have good prospects for metabolism study, particularly on a cell level. The advancement of the 8d nls health analyzer-method proceeds along the path not only of technical innovations but also of new applications. Some minor surgical operations, biopsy for one, have been long monitored by ultrasound, fluoroscopy or computer tomography. Today there is an opportunity to have biopsy monitored by 8d nls health analyzer. However, many surgeons focus their attention on using this method to perform major surgery. The cost of equipment for 8d nls health analyzer- diagnosis is still very low as compared to some other apparatus methods. This is supposed to promote more extensive use of the method in countries with a rather low standard of living. Of all methods of apparatus diagnostics the 8d nls health analyzer one provides a representation closed to a pathologicoanatomic picture. This circumstance, along with innocuousness, promotes rapid development of the 8d nls health analyzer- diagnosis.
what can do the 8d nls health analyzer?
1. body detection function-Detectable systemic 12 big system, 256 items of zang-fu organs, glands, cell… , 4352 kinds of disease make predictive report, the whole body 120000 list ensure accurate detection. Users can saw their organs current and past, and future 3 to 5 years of health and organization cell vitality trend.
2. the item(goods) analysis function-Can analysis food, health products… The article such as whether to human organs have the effect or damage, so as to carry out mediation balance life state.
3.repair treatment function-With energy spectrum restoration and repair function, to the early stages of the disease or has not been formed stage, especially for pain spot repair has the very good auxiliary curative.

8D nls health analyzer

8D nls health analyzer
How does 8d nls health analyzer work?
8d nls health analyzer Analysis Systems-According to Professor Sviatoslav P. Nesterov, any disease can be represented as a deviation from the harmonic oscillation in regulatory processes in the biological object.The 8d nls health analyzer provides the most unique tool for scanning the various organs and systems of the physical body without having to make a medical or surgical intrusion. Developed by Russian s cientists since the early 1990’s, the 8d nls health analyzer is the most revolutionary computer programmed invention available in the world today for analyzing and treating all the body’s organs and functions.
(1) This is the basis of all NLS 8d nls health analyzer analysis and quantum medicine systems, including those of Metavital. It is not about esotericism but about physics and technology. The development of quantum physics / quantum medicine and the high computer capacities of modern computers, as used in the Metavital 8d nls health analyzer System, make it possible to identify the conditions that correspond to a certain degree of entropy of the bioobject). These are compared to the spectrum of many computer entropy states of other subjects.
(2) It seems that various influences (diet, stress, stress, environment) transform the originally harmonious vibrations in bio-objects into disharmonious ones. The more pronounced the deviation from the harmonic state, the more pronounced is the pathological process and the greater the deviation from the optimal functional state. By measuring the existing vibration, the oscillation needed for regulation can be applied with the 8d nls health analyzer MNLS technology via the optoelectronic trigger sensors (headphones) Among other things, the connection between quantum physics, quantum medicine and Western medicine is difficult, because conventional medicine works predominantly with the traditional cause-and-effect principle, while information technology based on modern quantum physics is characterized above all by probabilities.
The data obtained in this way are in good agreement with conventional methods such as ultrasound, CT, or MRI.
(3) Thus, the 8d nls health analyzer of Metavital is a serious scientific technology, not esotericism. 8d nls health analyzer MNLS does not replace the established diagnostic devices, but supplements them in certain areas.
The device “sees” with the eyes of the body – it gives indications where the body “struggles” and has problems with it. Two different people respond to different stresses, such as an influenza virus, varying degrees. 8d nls health analyzer does not evaluate absolute measurement data, but analyzes the respective situation and gives the therapist hints that he can use as the basis for his diagnosis and therapy. In this individualization of diagnosis and therapy is its peculiarity and the big advantage. To put it clearly again: not the 8d nls health analyzer device provides diagnoses or therapies, but the doctor and therapist. The 8d nls health analyzer device is only a tool for diagnosis. The decision as to which further measures must be taken is always made by the therapist, who as a rule uses further analysis methods. This is medical care and not esotericism.
The level and characteristic of pathology is detected by a disturbance in the communication flow between the cells and the integrated relations between various organs of the body. 8d nls health analyzer offers four different spectral views on these characterizations.
The Energetic View
Displays a set of equidistant dipoles that represent an organ’s energy state at individual points of measurement. The Energetic View represents a snapshot of an organ at the time point of measurement.
The Equilibrium Spectrum
Represents the dynamic regulatory characteristics of an organ. It focuses on long-term disorders in the organism and allows distinguishing acute from chronic processes.
The Entropy Spectrum
Shows the level of expression and the kinetics of a disease.
The NLS Spectrum
Utilized exclusively for oncology and helps to characterize the dynamics of carcinoma processes.
Overview of Information analyzed with the NLS
Biochemical Homeostasis
Microorganisms and Helminths
Nutriceuticals and Parapharmaceuticals

8D nls health analyzer

8D nls health analyzer
8d nls health analyzer Prominent advantages?
1)3D NLS Non linear diagnostic system
2)body health analyzer
3)10 year scientific research
4)10 minutes,90% accuracy
Was wird mit Hilfe von 8d nls health analyzer diagnostiziert?
Alle Organe
Blutgefäße einschließlich der Herzkranzgefäße
Nervensystem einschließlich Rückenmark und Gehirn
Parasiten, Pilze, Bakterien, Viren
Blutbestandteile, Hormone und Enzyme
Biochemische Blutanalyse
Vergleich mit vorangegangenen Untersuchungen
Früherkennung von sich anbahnenden und chronischen Störungen der Körperfunktion
Ursachenanalyse: Störfelder, Parasiten, Bakterien, Mykosen, Viren
Erkennung der energetischen Disbalance
Erkennung der Allergene
Erkennung der genetisch bedingten Lebensmittel-Unverträglichkeit
Erkennung der Toxinbelastung: Schwermetalle, Umweltgifte, usw.
Mangelerscheinungen: Vitamine, Mineralien, Spurenelemente
Hinweise auf das Blutbild
Zustand des Darmmilieus
Hinweise auf psychische Belastungen
Zusammenstellung eines optimalen Ernährungsprogramms zur Verbesserung des Allgemeinzustandes.

Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |