8d nls health analyzer Something you need know

8d nls health analyzer

8d nls health analyzer

8d nls health analyzer
What is 8d nls health analyzer?
From Russia comes this cutting edge diagnostic and therapy unit of the future.
The Physiospect is an 8d nls health analyzer, connected to a computer can diagnose and treat almost every known pathological condition, disease and illnesses, even before there are any physical symptoms. The Physiospect will determine the stress level of all organs and systems, it can select the most appropriate allopathic and/or homeopathic remedies, as well as suitable foods, herbal and nutritional remedies, and can identify emotional and physiological issues.
The Physiospect has a most powerful therapy program: THE META THERAPY, which can transfer the frequencies of a healthy organ (liver, lung, and heart etc.) directly to the client and thereby stimulate the body to achieve optimum health.
The unit can also identify every known bacteria and virus, it will select the most effective remedies to deal with these, as well as performing a Meta Therapy Destructor action, which can knock the bacteria or virus out of the body.
Although the programs have been used extensively in Russian Hospitals for more than 10 years, (first as the Oberon, then as the Introspect and now as the Physiospect), it is not classified as a medical unit, but it is approved by the European Union.
The Physiospect provides the therapist with the most unique tool for scanning the various organs and systems of the physical body without having to make a medical or surgical intrusion. As a preventive tool the Physiospect is unique in that it can detect a problem before there are any physical symptoms, and with the Meta Therapy the process can be reversed and illness prevented. Even with cancer if detected early enough.
But please be aware that the Physiospect as such does not heal, nor does it claim to heal.
The Physiospect transfers the frequencies of a healthy organ to the client, thereby stimulating the body’s immune system to heal, which the body is programmed to do. There is nothing new about this concept, it has been around for eons, going back to the ancient acupuncture system, and more recently with the Tesla coils and the Reef frequencies. With the advent of the modern computers the Russian scientists were able to create a computer program to stimulate the healing process. And on the computer screen the client can see this transformation happening.
By sensing and analyzing the biophoto radiation of the brain, we get an accurate picture of the functioning, physiological and energetic condition of our body. In the Bioresonance Scanner instrumental study, we gain insight into the metabolism, organ system, and cellular energy processes in the body in the most natural and most fragile way. Based on the resonant frequencies, it measures the elements that cause vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, heavy metals, toxins, herds, and allergic susceptibility.
Homeopathic remedies
The 8d nls health analyzer, from the 5718 spectral standard frequency, can be used to configure a specific frequency packet for a specific case. This frequency spectrum package is irradiated by the crystal in the resonance cup or by water or oil. This preparation can be used as a homeopathic remedy.
Vegeto Test
The vegeto-test function allows you to assess the fitness for a planned or used drug, diet supplement, cream and any other formulation.
The instrument measures the frequency spectrum of the formulations in the resonance chamber. It compares the vibration of the body with the standard frequency spectrum and calculates the suitability of the agent. Whether it really helps to restore the body. Measures the chances of allergic reaction.This procedure can be used to determine whether it is really useful for the patient.
Frequency Therapy
The 8d nls health analyzer can radiate a total of 5718 different spectral etalon frequencies during Frequency Therapy.
Spectral frequency ranges from 5718 can be tailored to the specific case, frequency therapy.The Biorezonance Scanner, by radiating quantum energy vibration, helps restore the patient’s bioenergetic, biophonic, aura-energetic operation.
Compilation of Therapy
Vitamins, minerals, anionic acids measured by Bioresonance Scanners can be inferred from dietary bugs. Measurement results of heavy metals and other toxic substances show how detoxification is useful.Allergic test results show the type of substances that react sensitively to the body.Based on the results, it is possible to compile the most effective cleansing cure and clearly show the diet with which to achieve complete regeneration.Analyzing the biological lesions of the 8d nls health analyzer with the New German Medicines system, the patient’s emotional, mental state, stress, anxiety and anxiety are precisely outlined. In practice, we are immediately able to reach the root cause of biological changes, which can be treated with the utmost urgency of health.For the treatment of these mental causes and physical symptoms, every physician, natural therapist, with his / her specialty can use targeted, precise, treatment. Health has not been up to date with the efficiency that has been experienced so far. All 8d nls health analyzer use this rapid recovery, even in cases where nothing has helped them for years.

8d nls health analyzer

8d nls health analyzer

8d nls health analyzer
How 8d nls health analyzer softwawere work?
New Addition: pathological, allergen analysis, microbes and parasites, biochemical dynamic level, Homeopathy, most suitable and not suitable for food, flower essences Pakistani song, unbalanced organ analysis, gemstone energy, herbs, etc. more than 10 sample data library. Auto body repair function, can also choose to do the partial repair, three times faster than 3D nls, repair effect significantly, very suitable for general repair.
Accuracy & Comparison
The foremost question that arises when giving consideration to the LRIS NLS device is how the device differs from the hundreds of other devices already being sold on the market. While all companies try to convince people that there is some huge difference in the function of their devices, the truth is that they all function according to similar principles. The LRIS-NLS is considered a biofeedback device and the most significant difference in biofeedback devices is the methodology in which the diagnosis is being conducted. Some devices work with radio frequencies while others gather information from the pulse and moisture present in the skin. The LRIS-NLS, however, functions in the realm of processing information within the electromagnetic field while also incorporating other methods of Analysis.
The LRIS-NLS is designed to provide the most accurate diagnostic results because it focuses on the source, the brain, therefore, the mind is where we begin accumulating information on the changes that occur in the body. The sensors in the headphones placed on the ears of the subject will trigger the brain to communicate the frequencies that occur within the body. Each and every change at the cellular level will be detected and identified, whether the challenge is bacteria, virus, parasite, or any disease manifestation or biochemical being, it will be detected by recognition of its unique frequency/signature and be identified by name and development stage.
The LRIS-NLS employs a treatment method designed to strengthen the body and enhance the body’s natural recovery to health. The combination of such healing modalities as acupuncture, iridology, aura detection and others enhance the device’s accuracy of diagnosis. Making use of this device affords the practitioner and client an opportunity similar to one-stop-shopping; visiting the specialist for an entire analysis and not having to wait weeks for the results.
The focus is the diagnostic portion, and everything that is spiritual, emotional or mental becomes secondary. Our bodies are incredible, and of course the healing of one’s body has everything to do with the faith and health of a strong mind.. Our analysis is 90%-95% accurate because the program allows the operator to research locally and in detail. The sensors in the headphones are designed to accurately recognize specific frequencies while the patient/client is present.
Most biofeedback equipment operates on a similar principle; detailed software aids in providing the most accurate analysis and the sensors identify the specific frequency which helps in the return to good health. Compared to other devices on the market, the LRIS-NLS appears to be the most user friendly device that provides exemplary accuracy. With its ease of simplicity, it is designed to be used by anyone, practitioner or non-practitioner; anyone who takes a proactive approach and strives for good health and well-being.
In a letter from the German TÜV Rheinland, the device is counted among bioresonance devices. Descriptions of a distribution company speak of a wellness or well-being product and literally: “We use terms such as illness, diagnosis, therapy, etc. only for a better understanding of the people who have become accustomed to it in terms of today’s traditional medicine nomenclature and have yet to have access to the new understanding of quantum physical possibilities for restoring natural well-being (analogous to the conventional terms of diagnosis and therapy or disease and health) and “Traditional scientific methods are therefore not suitable to provide proof of efficacy “.
The patient receives “organ-specific” signals via a special headphone. A sensor also located in the headphones measures the body’s response and uses a database to determine deviations from the “normal values”. In the patent to the 8d nls health analyzer device is the speech that the device is able to increase the “intuition” of the patient.
Pseudo-scientific assumptions
In order to describe the alleged properties of the system, quantum mysticism strives for quantum physics. It is said to be the only device in the world that can detect a “spectral analysis of turbulent magnetic fields” in living organisms and also measure the “bioelectrical activity of brain neurons” and “body electrons” and their “spin deviation”, according to advertising leaflets. The method of operation is based on the application of a noise generator to generate a short-term interference wave of a “body biofield” and neurons, which should then provide measurement results. Another sales company complements this pseudo-scientific chatter by pointing out that the 8d nls health analyzer device measures “bioelectric phenomena of entropy increase in the organism”.
Therapeutic miracle properties
In addition to diagnostics, the system should also enable a “genetic level” to restore an unspecified “natural spin” to treat assumed “interference fields”. The device could already transmit “frequencies” to water or milk sugar during an examination. In addition, it “balances” the organism via electromagnetic oscillations, the frequencies of which could be stored in the body’s own water over a longer period of time and thus consistently set healing stimuli.
Whole-body health check with the 8d nls health analyzer Analyzer
Whole body analysis – The NLS 8d nls health analyzer comes from space research and has been available to the general public – you – for several years now. The measurement principles (frequency measurement) on which the system is based stand on secure ground in quantum physics and entropy logic. The morphology of a single organ is not measured and considered (as is the case with the various classical, conventional medical diagnostic procedures). but the functional state in relation to the entire human organism, or the equilibrium states of physiological processes. With this sophisticated and medically approved analysis device, we have a technique available that allows us to selectively control the health of our body, up to 90 Due to the specific vibration patterns (bioresonance or feedback principle), trillions of measurement points are to be assessed, therefore completely painless and without side effects. (ideal for toddlers)
Every organ, every cell of our body has an individual vibration pattern in which it works optimally. Deviations from the respective ideal state are recorded, evaluated and graphed by the 8d nls health analyzer analysis device, graded according to the degree of deviation. 8d nls health analyzer sees with the “eyes of the body” – it recognizes, where the body “fights” and has problems with it. 8d nls health analyzer does not evaluate absolute measurement data, but analyzes the respective situation. Often, one can detect hidden causes of acute or chronic illnesses, which elude other examination methods, or one can recognize disturbances already in the preliminary stage, even before a symptom appears. (meaningful precaution) Since parasites (bacteria, viruses and fungi) also have different vibration patterns, they can be localized and determined with the help of the device, in order to then find suitable measures to eliminate them. With the help of the 8d nls health analyzer, medications can be used , Homeopathic remedies, nutritional supplements etc. may be determined by percentage to their respective, specific efficacy. Also, allergies, food intolerances and environmental stresses (environmental toxins, electrosmog, dental remedies, etc.), and their physical effects may be recorded and analyzed. (e.g., list of foods that stress the body and which are healthy for the body.

8d nls health analyzer

8d nls health analyzer

8d nls health analyzer
Who and where need the 8d nls health analyzer
8d nls health analyzer allows detecting and monitoring the expression of genetically caused diseases among all family members
Greatly increases the efficiency of clinical examination and the initial reception. Significantly lower costs of finance and time. Physicians are exempt from routine and often formal work. No need to send your clients to other specialists, you can assist them by examining all the concerns they have and providing treatment, and healing methods.
Becomes a real continuous monitoring of the health of all children and staff at intervals of not less than once a month, the ability to assess the adequacy of student’s health.
Objective medical monitoring is required whenever there is a serious exercise. This equipment allows us to create an individual program, taking into account features of the organism.
GY-518D advanced NLS is a great tool to monitor the health of your family and friends. Provides means of checkup, treatment and healing without having to spend large amounts of finances on health care services.
Metatro 8d nls health analyzer
Concern about the health of its customers – a very strong competitive trump card. Objective assessment of the client can choose individual cosmetic program and achieve impressive results.
Who can use the 8d nls health analyzer?
1. Family doctors
2. Clinics and medical units
3. Education facilities schools
4. Sanatoriums
5. Sports, recreation facilities
6. Spa and cosmetic centers
7. Health food direct-selling workers

8d nls health analyzer

8d nls health analyzer

Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |