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What is 8d nls gesundheit analysator Scanner?

8d nls gesundheit analysator Body Health Analyzer QMR Scanner By sensing and analyzing the biophoto radiation of the brain, we get an accurate picture of the functioning, physiological and energetic condition of our body. In the Bioresonance Scanner instrumental study, we gain insight into the metabolism, organ system, and cellular energy processes in the body in the most natural and most fragile way. Based on the resonant frequencies, it measures the elements that cause vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, heavy metals, toxins, herds, and allergic susceptibility. Homeopathic remedies The 8d nls gesundheit analysator Scanners, from the 5718 spectral standard frequency, can be used to configure a specific frequency packet for a specific case. This frequency spectrum package is irradiated by the crystal in the resonance cup or by water or oil. This preparation can be used as a homeopathic remedy. Vegeto Test The vegeto-test function allows you to assess the fitness for a planned or used drug, diet supplement, cream and any other formulation. The instrument measures the frequency spectrum of the formulations in the resonance chamber. It compares the vibration of the body with the standard frequency spectrum and calculates the suitability of the agent. Whether it really helps to restore the body. Measures the chances of allergic reaction.This procedure can be used to determine whether it is really useful for the patient. Frequency Therapy The 8d nls gesundheit analysator Scanners can radiate a total of 5718 different spectral etalon frequencies during Frequency Therapy. Spectral frequency ranges from 5718 can be tailored to the specific case, frequency therapy.The Biorezonance Scanner, by radiating quantum energy vibration, helps restore the patient’s bioenergetic, biophonic, aura-energetic operation. Compilation of Therapy Vitamins, minerals, anionic acids measured by Bioresonance Scanners can be inferred from dietary bugs. Measurement results of heavy metals and other toxic substances show how detoxification is useful.Allergic test results show the type of substances that react sensitively to the body.Based on the results, it is possible to compile the most effective cleansing cure and clearly show the diet with which to achieve complete regeneration.Analyzing the biological lesions of the 8d nls gesundheit analysator Scanners with the New German Medicines system, the patient’s emotional, mental state, stress, anxiety and anxiety are precisely outlined. In practice, we are immediately able to reach the root cause of biological changes, which can be treated with the utmost urgency of health.For the treatment of these mental causes and physical symptoms, every physician, natural therapist, with his / her specialty can use targeted, precise, treatment. Health has not been up to date with the efficiency that has been experienced so far. All 8d nls gesundheit analysator scanners use this rapid recovery, even in cases where nothing has helped them for years. What Can 8d nls gesundheit analysator Test? • Complex Analysis Of All Organs And Systems Of The Human Body • The Cardiovascular System • Gastro-Intestinal Tract • Genital-Urinary System • Musculoskeletal System • Bronchi-Pulmonary System • The Endocrine System • Visual And Hearing Aids/Organs • The Nervous System • Biochemical Analysis Of Blood Without Interference • Infection In The Organs And Systems – Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, • Protozoa, Helminths Infection, Etc. (Staphylococci And Streptococci, Giardiasis, Trichomonas, Chlamydia, Urea Plasma, And More) • Qualitative Assessment Of Hormone Levels, Adrenal, Pituitary, Pancreas, Thyroid, Gonads • Level Of Immunity • Allergy Diagnosis (Complex Tests Up To 500 Allergens) • Medical Testing (Individual Selection Of Drugs) • Chromosomal Diagnosis • Laboratory Analysis (Blood Counts, Biochemical Parameters, Hormones, Trace Elements) • Treatment Of Pathological Processes Identified By The Bio Resonance Therapy (Meta-Therapy). • Treatment Method Litho-Therapy (Spectral Frequencies Individually Selected Minerals) • Fear, Emotional Matrix, Relationship Matrix • Assessment of the chakras and aura (An aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds every living being and is manifested in the physical field by electrically charged objects that represent themselves as different colors that surround the body. This electromagnetic field can provide information regarding a person’s emotional state, the quality of consciousness and will determine the level of health regarding an individual organ and organ systems.) WHY PROFESSIONALS CHOOSE 8d nls gesundheit analysator 1.UNIQUE-METATRON is the first clinically proven medical rough diagnostic device of its kind in the world. It is informative, portable, user-friendly, and secure. 2.ACCURATE-Confirmed by thorough clinical trials, METATRON’s accuracy in finding acute and chronic processes as well as predispositions toward certain illnesses affecting the organism is an outstanding 79,9%. 3.USABILITY-A simple and clear user interface makes it possible to learn and evaluate the patient’s state of health with METATRON after only a few minutes of examination. This increases the amount of patient’s that can be seen by the doctor, and reduces the wait time for the patient. No more time consuming guess work and endless tests to find out what the patient may or may not have. 4.VARIETY OF DATA RECEIVED-Apart from determining the current condition of organs and the level of its functionality, METATRON elicits viruses, allergens, infections, parasites and micro-elements, and can roughly indicate some future health forecasts as well as suggests recommendations and remedies for treatment of detected illnesses. 5.WIDE APPLICATION FIELD-METATRON has already proved its effectiveness and relevance in different spheres; hospitals, clinics, health resorts and sports centers. METATRON is used all over the world, and comes in many languages. You will wonder how you ever practised without it. The Metatron system is already being used in; Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry, Sports Medicine, Fitness Consultants, Health Spa’s and Clinics, Homeopathic Clinics, Holistic Clinics, as well as Rehabilitation Centres. The applications of the Metatron Rough Diagnostic System are truly endless, which is why this system is quickly becoming the necessary companion of practitioners looking to upgrade and future proof their respective clinics. Member of the Massai tribe with Academic Nesterov in Kenya using the Metatron System at the request of the Kenyan Government.    

Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy
Sale Consultant : Mr Mark

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