3d nls vs 8d nls which better and why?

What is 3d nls analyzer?

3d nls vs 8d nls

3d nls vs 8d nls

3d nls vs 8d nls
The 3D-NLS Health analyzer can research: Complex Analysis of all organs and systems of the human body The cardiovascular system Gastro-intestinal tract Genital-urinary system Musculoskeletal system Bronchi-pulmonary system The endocrine system Visual and hearing aids/organs The nervous system Biochemical analysis of blood without interference Infection in the organs and systems – viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths infection, etc. (staphylococci and streptococci, giardiasis, trichomonas, chlamydia, urea plasma, and so on) Qualitative assessment of hormone levels, adrenal, pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, gonads Level of immunity Allergy’ diagnosis (complex tests up to 500 allergens) Medical testing (individual selection of drugs) Chromosomal diagnosis Laboratory Analysis (blood counts, biochemical parameters, hormones, trace elements) Treatment of pathological processes identified by the bio resonance therapy (meta-therapy). The treatment method litho-therapy (spectral frequencies individually selected minerals) Fear. Emotional Matrix, relationship Matrix.
What the 3D NLS system mean about the test reports?
The 3D NLS system comes with a software package called Diacom. Diacom stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM).
Diacom is the software standard that drives the 3D NLS system. It performs a sweep of all internal bodily organs, outputting a test signature for each bodily organ using the transmitter in the sonic headphones and recording measurements using the receiver in the headphone unit.
Measurements are sent to the computer via USB port, and it is the Diacom software that compares measurements made by the NLS analyzer with the developed database, and reports just how far measurements deviate from those in a healthy person. The beauty of this system is that each major organ is presented as a 3D picture, and a coding system is used to pinpoint irregularities in the organ. The following example is of an individual with a diseased Aorta. The patient in this case was advised to see a doctor, and subsequently a cardiologist.
1 – Normal State;
2 – Standard Condition;
3 – Restricted State;
4 – Weak State;
5 – Abnormal Condition;
6 – Serious Disorders State
Minimum Computer System Requirements
CD Rom Drive
Minimum Windows 98 (any version of windows from windows 98 to the current version). Will NOT operate on Mac computers.
Minimum 1Gb Hard Drive Space
USB Port
250Mb RAM Memory
Minimum Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768. Any resolution higher than this is ok, although it is recommended that the resolution is set to a 5:4 ratio.
WHAT IS DNA and Cell Resonance
In the water resonance, the DNA is sending a longitudinal wave that propagates in the direction of the magnetic field vector. The computed frequencies from the structure of the DNA agree with those of the bio-photon radiation as predicted. The optimization of efficiency by minimizing the conduction losses leads to the double helix structure of DNA. The vortex model of the magnetic scalar wave not only covers many observed structures within the nucleus from perfect, but also introduces the hyperboloid channels in the matrix, if two cells communicate with each other.Physical results revealed in 1990 form the basis of the essential component of a potential vortex scalar wave. The need for an extended field theory approach has been known since 2009 by the discovery of magnetic monopoles. For the first time this provides the opportunity to explain the physical basis of life not only from the biological discipline of Science understanding only. Nature covers the whole spectrum of known scientific fields of research for the first time this interdisciplinary understanding is explaining such complex relationships.Decisive are the characteristics of the potential vortex. With its concentration effect, it provides a miniaturization down to a few nanometers, which allows the outrageously high information density in the nucleus for the first time.Here for the first time magnetic scalar wave theory explains dual based pair-stored information of the genetic code and a process of converting into an electrical modulation to so to say, “piggyback” information transfer from the cell nucleus to another cell. At the receiving end the reverse process takes place in writing, a chemical structure physically. The energy required to power the chemical process, comes from the scalar wave itself.
What is 8d nls analyzer?
What is 8D-NLS Bioresonance QMR Scanner?
Body Health Analyzer QMR Scanner
By sensing and analyzing the biophoto radiation of the brain, we get an accurate picture of the functioning, physiological and energetic condition of our body. In the Bioresonance Scanner instrumental study, we gain insight into the metabolism, organ system, and cellular energy processes in the body in the most natural and most fragile way. Based on the resonant frequencies, it measures the elements that cause vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, heavy metals, toxins, herds, and allergic susceptibility.
Homeopathic remedies
The 8D-NLS Bioresonance Scanners, from the 5718 spectral standard frequency, can be used to configure a specific frequency packet for a specific case. This frequency spectrum package is irradiated by the crystal in the resonance cup or by water or oil. This preparation can be used as a homeopathic remedy.
Vegeto Test
The vegeto-test function allows you to assess the fitness for a planned or used drug, diet supplement, cream and any other formulation.
The instrument measures the frequency spectrum of the formulations in the resonance chamber. It compares the vibration of the body with the standard frequency spectrum and calculates the suitability of the agent. Whether it really helps to restore the body. Measures the chances of allergic reaction.This procedure can be used to determine whether it is really useful for the patient.
Frequency Therapy
The 8D-NLS Bioresonance Scanners can radiate a total of 5718 different spectral etalon frequencies during Frequency Therapy.
Spectral frequency ranges from 5718 can be tailored to the specific case, frequency therapy.The Biorezonance Scanner, by radiating quantum energy vibration, helps restore the patient’s bioenergetic, biophonic, aura-energetic operation.
Compilation of Therapy
Vitamins, minerals, anionic acids measured by Bioresonance Scanners can be inferred from dietary bugs. Measurement results of heavy metals and other toxic substances show how detoxification is useful.Allergic test results show the type of substances that react sensitively to the body.Based on the results, it is possible to compile the most effective cleansing cure and clearly show the diet with which to achieve complete regeneration.Analyzing the biological lesions of the 8D-NLS Bioresonance Scanners with the New German Medicines system, the patient’s emotional, mental state, stress, anxiety and anxiety are precisely outlined. In practice, we are immediately able to reach the root cause of biological changes, which can be treated with the utmost urgency of health.For the treatment of these mental causes and physical symptoms, every physician, natural therapist, with his / her specialty can use targeted, precise, treatment. Health has not been up to date with the efficiency that has been experienced so far. All 8D-NLS bioresonance scanners use this rapid recovery, even in cases where nothing has helped them for years.
How to read 8d nls 6 color test reports
Signal Input To The Database To Match,Then Shows The Following Several Different Situations
1 – Normal State
2 – Standard Condition
3 – Restricted State
4 – Serious Disorders State
5 – Weak State
6 – Abnormal Condition
(Sub-health status)
3d nls vs 8d nls which better and why?
New Addition: pathological, allergen analysis, microbes and parasites, biochemical dynamic level, Homeopathy, most suitable and not suitable for food, flower essences Pakistani song, unbalanced organ analysis, gemstone energy, herbs, etc. more than 10 sample data library. Auto body repair function, can also choose to do the partial repair, three times faster than 3D nls, repair effect significantly, very suitable for general repair.
• Software of 3D NLS is the basic version, it is old version. software with LRIS-NLS are the latest version which developed by vector NLS, and version number is VECTOR 03.
• It will take more than 2 hours for 3D NLS to do a whole body testing, and it takes about 10 minutes for the 8D LRIS-NLS to do a express testing of our body.
• 3D NLS check 256 organs, and LRIS-NLS check more than 1000 organ and tissues.
•8D LRIS-NLS can be used Insulin, serotonin, lactate dehydrogenase, cholesterol,3D nls cannot do that.
• 8D LRIS-NLS can be used to check Mammary organs and tissue cells, 3DNLS only do a basic check
•8D LRIS-NLS Analyzing trace elements of body’s cells, check cell’s trace elements state, In order to do a better understanding of elements balance, replenish the missing trace elements; Can scan the deepest psychological state, in order to do a better relationship analyzing between mental states and diseases of your body.
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, German, Czech , Polish, Romanian, Russian, Bulgarian, Japanese, Portuguese, Malay, Greek,Turkish, Hungarian, Chinese
In addition,The Vector system can scan the deepest psychological state, in order to do a better comparrison indication between mental states and diseases of your body.
It has beeen used to check :
and it has AURA function which can show our weakness energy of our organ,
the most important thing is it can be used to check the bacteria, pathological, allergen analysis, microbes and parasites,
biochemical dynamic level,
Most suitable and not suitable for foods,
Flower essences ,
Unbalanced organ analysis,
Gemstone energy ,
Herbs, etc.
Sample data library. So it can test the food allergy and suggest indications of the effect of the nutritional products.

original 9d 8d nls health analyzer

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