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8d nls health analyzer manual

What different 8d nls health analyzer manual method vs. other diagnostic methods?

What different 8d nls health analyzer manual method vs. other diagnostic methods?


We’ve tested and compared three most popular methods of diagnosis (ultra-sonic inspection, nuclear-magnetic resonance, computer tomography) with the 8d nls health analyzer manual method of Sensitiv Imago.You can see the chart below. Each “+” symbol indicates the degree of positive qualities in any particular method. Accordingly, symbol “–” indicates negative or dangerous qualities.

All four methods have been evaluated by three major factors:

Scope of examination – the number of organs that can be examined by using a particular method
Exposure to irradiation – any harmful irradiation patient gets exposed to during diagnosis, either X-rays or electrical waves
Side effects – possible negative consequences and prohibitions for people with certain diseases against undergoing through a particular type of diagnosis

Here’s what the comparison chart looks like:

It is important to note that 8d nls health analyzer manual analysis, unlike NMR and computed tomography, does not impose high-voltage fields on a patient. 8d nls health analyzer manual looks very promising for metabolic studies and on a cell level in particular. Out of all methods of hardware diagnostics, 8d nls health analyzer manual is the only one that produces a detailed picture that is close to the pathologo-anatomic one. This condition along with its safety spurs a rapid advancements in the 8d nls health analyzer manual-diagnosis method. There are very strong reasons as to why the 8d nls health analyzer manual method has recently attracted more public attention and has been recognized by clients and professionals alike.

First of all, bioresonance examination 8d nls health analyzer manual offers unparalleled safety and convenience for patient. It involves no irradiation, is absolutely painless and is safe even for risk-groups like elderly people, children and pregnant women.

All of the above, plus a revolutionary 96% accuracy of diagnosis, allowed the Sensitiv Imago equipment that uses 8d nls health analyzer manual-based bioresonance examination, to be awarded Gold Medal for Technology Innovation in 2009 at the Technology Fair in Bulgaria, EU.

The Sensitiv Imago device was designed to register imbalances in organs and histological structures of the body and it enables you to:

Produce an accurate evaluation of the functional state of the body in a form of topical analysis;
Identify efficiency and side effects coming from any types of therapies undergone by patient;
Evaluate the level of adaptability of patient’s body;
Oversee and analyse the dynamics of changes in the functional state of the body over the period of treatment;
Identify the original source of a functional disorder;
Evaluate the nature of a pathology by way of utilizing of expert systems;
Execute dynamic control over the state of homeostasis;
Produce accurate prognosis for development of complications.

The bioresonance testing(8d nls health analyzer manual) is a unique way to obtain comprehensive information about the state of your health within 3 hours, that otherwise would take days of examinations by doctors of all specialisations and some tens of different analyses.

With Sensitiv Imago, you can have an inside look into your organs, the initial sources of disorders and how your illnesses interact with each other. The method provides precise diagnosis for very complex illnesses like myoma, stomach ulcer, mastopathy, cyst, prostatitis or adenoma, dysbacteriosis, disorders in thyroid function, kidney stones, endocrine diseases, primogenital infections and many others. Using 8d nls health analyzer manual bioresonance technology of Sensitiv Imago, you can diagnose them within just 3 hours, without long, complicated and expensive examinations.

8d nls health analyzer manual

What is Oberon nls 8 Precautions?

What is Oberon nls 8 Precautions?

it is not the Oberon device that makes diagnoses or therapies, but the doctor and therapist. The Oberon device is only a tool for diagnosis. The decision as to which further measures must be taken is always made by the therapist, who as a rule uses further analysis methods. This is medical care and not esotericism.

Oberon nls 8 Precautions
1.According to the right steps to turn up/down the machine
2.Should not eat,drink wine and coffee, smoke,not eat health products and try not to take medicine two to three hours before testing.
3.Remove the metal articles and communication equipment on the body before testing;or use tissue cover the metal things so to keep the skin don’t touch the metal things during test.
4.Relax the feeling, not speak and keep steady breathing during testing.Do not sits cross-legged.
5.Women who are Menstrual period or pregnant and children who are under 10 years old don’t suggested to test.
6.The line for the earphone should place in the left,and put the earphone tightly.
7.If the testor who removaled the organ or placed something metal into the body,should tell at first.
8.Avoid the direct light when test.

8d nls health analyzer manual

What 8d nls health analyzer manual?

What 8d nls health analyzer manual with superior version

Quick details

1. Hardware cpu Frequency:5.3GHz 2. Cores : Advanced core processors

3. The detection speed is very quick.
4. Average time of scanning: 2-3 seconds. 5. More advanced, has a large database 6. Defines in more detail the diagnoses.

7. The best pre-clinical diagnostic device
8. The most practical model for Clinical version

9. It can detect all the problem zones in a patient’s organism using its non-invasive methods.

Body health analyzer 8d NLS Technical specifications of the device:

• Power supply – USB- port on your computer.
• Feeding voltage – 5 V;
• Current consumption – up to 300 mA;
• Range of evaluated frequencies 1Hz- 1MHz;
• Superposition of mediated frequencies to the electromagnetic component – 5.5 GHz;
• Interface speed – up to 1 MHz;
• Bioinductores – passive;
• Electromagnetic reprinter – active with a possible feedback.

8d nls health analyzer manual

Das Patent von Vladimir Igorevich Nesterov

Das Patent von Vladimir Igorevich Nesterov

Das 8d nls health analyzer manual wurde von einem Moskauer Institut für angewandte Psychophysik entwickelt. Oberon-Diagnostikgeräte werden auf ein erteiltes amerikanisches Patent mit der Nummer US 6549805 B1 Nesterov vom April 2003 bezogen, in dem ein Torsion diagnostic system utilizing non-invasive biofeedback signals between the operator, the patient and the central processing and telemetry unit beschrieben ist. Amerikanische Patente werden unabhängig von ihrer praktischen Eignung erteilt.Zur Entwicklung der Methode habe bereits in den 1940er Jahren ein Prof. White von der Princeton University beigetragen, der “Weißes Hintergrundrauschen” als Grundlage allen Lebens entdeckt haben will. Ein Prof. Shnoll (Int. Forschungsinstitut für kosmische Antropoökologie Novosobirsk), der deutsche vermeintliche Mathematiker Hartmut Müller und ein Dr. Nesterow (Institut für angewandte Biophysik in Moskau) hätten seine Forschungen fortgesetzt.

8d nls health analyzer manual

Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy
Sale Consultant : Mr Mark

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