quantum biofeedback device
what is quantum biofeedback device
Biofeedback Therapy differs from pharmaceuticals and nutrients in that those work on biochemistry where Biofeedback works on biophysics. If you recall from science class, everything is made up of atoms. Atoms contain a nucleus, protons, neutrons, and electrons. The amount of space in an atom is significantly greater than the amount of solids in an atom but because the protons, neutrons, and electrons are moving at such a rapid pace things (including people and animals) feel solid even though they are more space than solid. Since the particles in the atom are moving so quickly they create a vibration and that vibration creates an energetic frequency. The Quantum biofeedback Biofeedback device simply detects stressors in the energetic frequencies of the person or animal and supplies a balancing or neutralizing frequency.
How to work quantum biofeedback device?
The Quantum biofeedback works like a 2-way radio. It scans for a signal and then reads it, then based on the information it receives, it emits a signal in response. For example, if the biofeedback detects the frequency of the pathogen that causes Lyme Disease, it will send the opposite frequency to neutralize the energy.
Who need used It?
The Quantum biofeedback Biofeedback Device can be used for energy balancing for countless imbalances of body, mind, or spirit. It has been used to recover from physical or emotional traumas as well as to remove stressful influences to allow the body to heal on its own.
How to use quantum biofeedback device?
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