life system biofeedback

What is life system biofeedback?
European Quality Management and Declaration of Conformity certificates are held on file with BIREGS GmbH, Germany
The L.I.F.E. System is a professional biofeedback technology used by thousands of trained and qualified practitioners. Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Dentists, Homeopaths, Medical Doctors, Nutritionists and Veterinarians are using the L.I.F.E. System to assist in achieving Stress Management, Muscle Relaxation, and Preventative Healthcare, while supporting the well being of their clients. Read More
The L.I.F.E. System is designed to aide in the reduction of stress and muscle relaxation. It has been CE certified and registered throughout the European Union as a Class 2A Medical instrument. In addition, the L.I.F.E. System has been registered in the United States, Australia, and South Africa. Rigorous testing, double-blind studies and subsequent approval by TUV Germany is your guarantee of quality and efficacy. The L.I.F.E. system is the only device of its kind that has achieved this certification of assurance, providing the confidence that it will function as intended. European Quality Management and Declaration of Conformity certificates are held on file with BIREGS GmbH, Germany.
In Quantum Biofeedback, a flow of energy connects every cell, every organ, every thought and every emotion. The ease or the interference of that flow of energy reflects a profound system of communication that demonstrates the body / mind intelligence.
As a quantum biofeedback machine, the LIFE System offers an easy-to-operate computer interface that provides safe, gentle and effective energetic programs.
The body field is accessed through harnesses (bands for the head, wrists and ankles), providing a connection with the subconscious mind. The system then receives information from the body field, and the biofeedback program works to organize chaotic energy back into a natural and harmonious state of well-being.
The L.I.F.E. System (Living Information Forms Energy) is the finest state-of-the-art healthSecond Generation System technology available for the 21st century. The L.I.F.E. System utilizes biofeedback to measure subtle reactive patterns in the body. Later, as a Bio Modulator, it feeds back information to aid and entrain the body to regulate itself.
The entire process is:
• safe
• effective
• non-invasive
• painless
It establishes harmonic balance in all the body’s systems, improving quality of life
and well being. Second Generation Box & HarnessEvery component of the
L.I.F.E. System has been compiled with the greatest degree of competency and integrity.

Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |