Biofeedback NLS Price

What is Biofeedback NLS machine?
Biofeedback NLS Biofeedback Health Analyzer
A New Era in Alternative Medicine Health Analysis and Treatment
The Biofeedback NLS Deivce is the latest biofeedback system which not only analyzes a patient through a unique diagnostic system, it also creates vibrational energy remedies that correct areas in the body needing treatment. The analyzer uses a non-linear system (NLS) approach to assessing the physical and psycho-emotional state of the individual and presents the results using 3D imaging, thus the given name Biofeedback NLS Analyzer. The system can be easily attached and setup on any windows based computer with an available USB port. The system is not only easy to learn – it is also easy to use.
In the earlier part of the twentieth century, experiments by the Russian researcher V.N. Kravkov observed interaction between man and machine of distant objects of animate and inanimate nature. Under the guidance of prof. V. Togatova, reactions of various semiconductor structures on the impact of bio-operators (psychic), were studied. It was proven through these experiments that the human brain without the aid of wires could be affected in sensory regions.
Following these experiments, research by Russian and US scientists on energy fields surrounding plants and animals concluded that there exist extremely weak, frequency specific, vortex magnetic fields around biological systems. Observations were made where these fields were different in people with disease, when compared with healthy subjects.
Over a period of 35 years, a database was established with these observations using tens of billions of dollars of national research funds. A collection of different sexes, ages, races, diseases, and clinical data helped to establish the database. Over time, the database was modified and a new software system was developed in Czechoslovakia (Diacom software) which used the database as a basis to make comparisons when testing clients using the NLS system. The involvement in hardware led to development of the Biofeedback NLS system.
Patient being assessed using the Biofeedback NLS system How it Works
The Biofeedback NLS health analyzer uses headphones to transmit sonar light waves through the eardrum into the human brain. The technique is totally non-invasive, safe and pain free. The patient simply puts on a set of specially made headphones with the sensor and transmitter, and lies back to relax while the tests are performed.
The method is based on an analysis of the brain stem’s electromagnetic waves (similar to Oberon and Metatron) which contain complete informational picture of the entire patient. The analyzer uses a special emitter to modulate the carrier frequency for the cell communication, and uses special sensor trigger readers built into headphones to read the cell’s own signals.
Over 100,000 pulses representing areas on over 500 listed anatomical body parts are presented in a single 30 minute session through the sonic headphones.
The sonar frequencies are outside of the human hearing spectrum so the patient hears and feels nothing. The resonance of electromagnetic waves is then returned to the computer and compared with an extensive database. The result is a presentation showing the condition of organs in the present as well as the past. There is also a report predicting organ state over the next 3-5 years.
Why use Biofeedback NLS Analyzer?
The 3 Main Functions of Biofeedback NLS Analyzer
1. Detection and Assessment of The Human Body
The system can easily assess a patient’s physical conditions, disease trends, as well as forecast health direction over the next 3-5 years. Through a patient therapist relationship, the therapist is able to advise life style changes to give the notion of prevention is better than cure. A 3D presentation allows the client to visually see their bodily organs in their current state.
Assessing a client using the Biofeedback NLS analytical system2. Confirms whether Food and Healthcare Products are Helpful Or Harmful to the Body
The Biofeedback NLS Deivce can analyze food and healthcare products and determine whether they are going to be good or harmful to the client’s body. This is useful in determining substances that could be causing allergic symptom in the patient.
Connect the items cup link to the Biofeedback NLS .
Place drugs or health food into item cup (Note: unless you are a medical doctor, you are not allowed to recommend taking a patient off their medication without the consent of their doctor).
Click the organs that you wish to assess
Place the headset onto the patient
Click vegetotest in the Diacom software, enter the name of the drug or health food, and then start the test to assess out the drug or health food impact testing.
After completing the test, the results will show in the in organ diagnosis list.
Press analysis key to carry out the drug or health food analysis comparison.
On the analysis of the comparison window, select the organs that have been detected and click auto search.
The comparison window will search the organs to compare and analyze automatically.
3. Energy and Frequency Repair for Bodily Organ Recovery
Using the assessment data, the Biofeedback NLS is able to create vibrational medicine remedies using water as a basis to counter imbalanced frequencies representing stress and dis-ease.
Prepare a glass cup (flat thin bottom).
Add 100-200mL of pure water into the glass cup.
Confirm that the items cup is linked to the host.
Place the headset onto the client.
Click on the energy copy button and select water as the medium.
Click the turn over key, copy the wave oscillation spectrum to reverse the dis-ease.
Click the START button, and begin to copy.
The program will copy the reverse frequencies into water. It is recommended that the water is consumed over 30 min. It is suggested that no more than 5 cups are consumed in one day.
Consume the water oince daily for best results.
Diacom Software
The Biofeedback NLS system comes with a software package called Diacom. Diacom stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM).
Diacom is the software standard that drives the Biofeedback NLS system. It performs a sweep of all internal bodily organs, outputting a test signature for each bodily organ using the transmitter in the sonic headphones and recording measurements using the receiver in the headphone unit.
Biofeedback NLS 2
Measurements are sent to the computer via USB port, and it is the Diacom software that compares measurements made by the NLS analyzer with the developed database, and reports just how far measurements deviate from those in a healthy person. The beauty of this system is that each major organ is presented as a 3D picture, and a coding system is used to pinpoint irregularities in the organ. The following example is of an individual with a diseased Aorta. The patient in this case was advised to see a doctor, and subsequently a cardiologist.
3D Image Example of Heart from Diacom Software Output1 – Normal State; 2 – Standard Condition; 3 – Restricted State; 4 – Weak State; 5 – Abnormal Condition; 6 – Serious Disorders State
Minimum Computer System Requirements
CD Rom Drive
Minimum Windows 98 (any version of windows from windows 98 to the current version). Will NOT operate on Mac computers.
Minimum 1Gb Hard Drive Space
USB Port
250Mb RAM Memory
Minimum Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768. Any resolution higher than this is ok, although it is recommended that the resolution is set to a 5:4 ratio.
Installation Instructions
To correctly install your Biofeedback NLS system onto your computer, it is essential for you to follow the step by step instructions in the order shown below. Failure to do so will result in problems in getting the system to work.
Step 1 – Software and Driver Installation
Insert the Software CD into your computer’s CD-Rom drive, open Windows Explorer and navigate to your CD-Rom drive (e.g., d:\Biofeedback NLS ).
Double Click Biofeedback NLS followed by Diacom-setup to open the Diacom-setup directory.
To begin installation, double click on setup_v1.20.exe, and work your way through the Installshield Wizard program (DO NOT run the installed software yet).
Navigate back to your CD-Rom as instructed in steps 1 and 2 above, and then double click CH341.exe. Work your way through the Installshield Wizard program.
Step 2 – Hardware Assembly and Installation
1. Make sure the power button on the back of the Biofeedback NLS is switched off (O pressed in and I sticking out).
2. Plug the headphones into the rear of the Biofeedback NLS unit into the socket shown below.
Biofeedback NLS Headphones
Biofeedback NLS Headphones Socket
3. Plug the Item Cup into the slot on the back of the Biofeedback NLS unit as shown below.
Biofeedback NLS 9
Biofeedback NLS Item Cup Port
4. Connect the USB lead to the back of the Biofeedback NLS unit and then connect the other end to a spare USB port on your computer.
USB Cable in Package Biofeedback NLS USB Port
5. Turn on the Biofeedback NLS unit using the switch on the back as shown below (I pushed in and O pointing out).
Biofeedback NLS 12
6. Wait until your computer has installed the drivers for the Biofeedback NLS unit. You are now ready to begin to use the system. To start the system double click on the Diacom-NLS old Icon on your desktop.
7. Proceed to the next section and download and print the appropriate documents to learn how to use your new system.
Who Can Use Bicfeedbook nls?
Doctors including family doctors
Hospitals and clinics
Educational institutions
Gyms, sports centers, and various recreational departments
Spas, beauty centers, and cosmetic facilities
Alternative health practitioners
Reiki practitioners
Biofeedback NLS Price lsit?
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