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best biofeedback devices


What is Biofeedback?

Simply put, Biofeedback is utilizing your own awareness and monitoring the biological signals produced by your body. For instance you can become aware of your breath and change the frequency of the breathing rate to encourage a relaxation response.When you use electronic instrumentation to monitor your body’s physiology it displays that information back to the you; hence the name bio-logical signal feed-back. With electronic monitoring you can increase your sensitivity and awareness of physiological activity in various areas and organ systems of your body. With this new awareness, you can change your body’s ‘dys-‘function’ into healthy functioning.

How Does It Work

Biofeedback instruments provide feedback on aspects of the body that react to stress (the autonomic nervous system). Physiologically, a healthy body will return to a relaxed state after a stressful event. If the body remains ‘revved up’ for long periods of time in response to stress it can cause breakdowns in many different body systems. This breakdown can result in painful symptoms or some chronic functional problems. Biofeedback shows what is not functioning properly so you can take steps to regain control of your body to establish function and eliminate symptoms. Below are descriptions of situations where biofeedback can be used with positive effect.If you have generalized stress, learning to use a strategy that accesses the relaxation response for the entire body is the most appropriate. Daily relaxation is excellent for preventing the build up of generalized stress, promoting an inner sense of well-being and centeredness.

What machine is best biofeedback devices?

Metatron hunter 4025,vector nls,3d nls,diacom nls,8d nls,9d nls are the best best biofeedback devices. if you need them info you can contact us.


Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy
Sale Consultant : Mr Mark

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